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Mein A2

  • A2 Modell
    1.4 Benz.


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Leistung von ericosman

  1. Today i found out whenn the door is open i have "normal" range Puting the cable just up wont help
  2. Hi all, Sorry had no time (yet) to check what happes whenn i just put the wire up.. But yesterday i had like 3 meter range from the passenger side range... And today u have to be almost in the car...
  3. Ok, but now i'm a little confused what to do:kratz: I have to cut the cable i guess? And where should i put the cable? And do i have to place it in some kind of shape? And do i need to have the end open so it can connect to metal?
  4. So i have to cut my cable to 34-35 cm? I see the lambda are antenna's? Is there a specific antenna you recommend?
  5. But if i cut my cable to 17.3 cm i will have better range?
  6. It's no big deal atm but it's just not verry handy I looked for some antenna's but could not fine them
  7. If you know where i can get a a2 antenna tell me But if i get it right now i have to only use a 17.3 cm cable ? So it will be only under the driver?
  8. Ok and i will have to place it here ? ( red line ) And what kind of wire do you recommend?
  9. :kratz: mmmm... so how long do's the cable need to be ? The Hz of the remote is 433,92 MHz ( remote 8Z0837231 )
  10. Hi, The guy put a yellow wire there ( i hope in the right spot ) It looks like this :
  11. Hi, Someone placed a new CCU in my car so it would be possible to use remote keys. Now i have the right remote keys and it's all working But there is a downside to this... And the problem is i have a minimal range.... The range is only like 1 meter ( from the drivers door ) sometimes it's more or less... ( i guess it depends on the weather ? ) Stuff i tryed: Use a new battery Place the wire ( used as an antenna ) above the drivers door But still the range is crappy Do's anyone know how i can expand the range like "normal" ?
  12. I got the right keys and someone put a wire ( as an antenna ) in the left cover. But i only have reception like 1 meter from the drivers door... Is there a good way to extend the range?
  13. Hi, I recived a message from the seller i bought them from and he told me: "keys you have bought wont work with that module. the module needs 8Z0 837 231 (no letter at the end) if you get 8Z0 959 433 AF it should work ok." So... some one wants to buy my "old" remotes:bonk:
  14. Maybe good to know i bougth these keys: http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&alt=web&id=181673873497
  15. If i understand right he changed his CCU and tryed to get the key working ( start and open the car ) but only could start the car and open the car by key and not remote? If so yes thats also my problem.
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