Is it usefull to get my 1.4 benzin chipped, they say that it would get 90 HP, but can i feel the difference?
Are there some people here who got there 1.4 benzin chipped?
I can get it with a discount for 300 euro, looks good, can someone advice me?
is it spacefloorbox possible to slide under the chair?
Maybe a stupid qestion, but on all the pictures i see, is the box slide out.
I always assumed that you have to slide it out if you want to go into the box, or am i wrong?
I already ordered the box, but iam not sure about this
Ok, i will ask the audishop then, i already ordered the box .
But the picture looks like it comes from a catalog.
Another question, at the backseat of the chair there is a net behind it (to put a magazine or so in) is that possible to put it on a chair witch do not have it?
Ok, iam sorry about my bad german, i tried
I mean those 2 plastick things what's inside the box, witch separates the box in 3 sections.
If you enlarge the picture you see it.
My question is, is this an extra option, or does it come with the spacefloorbox, or did the owner made this himself ?
Das weis ich
Ich meine das 2 plastick dingen das in das box ist.
Das das box in 3 stuck (vacken) macht, ich weis nicht wie ich das ander schreibt.
Oder is das standart zubehur mit das box?
Thanx all, i got it out.
Only the komfortblinker is the wrong one so i must wait again.
Another queston, how can i get the Zündkerzen ( i learn german) out? i got this type of engine:
Are they in the middle, where the black blocks are on?
Thanx again