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Leistung von Ivan

  1. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and I have a problem with the sunroof. Browsing the forum I found a person who replaces the entire roof, if I'm not mistaken in Stockholm. Can you help me find the contact? I have to ask him some things. Thank you all
  2. https://www.a2oc.net/community/index.php?threads/help-with-an-open-sky-sunroof.38096/
  3. Yes, the light comes on and the opening of the door is also indicated on the instrument panel.
  4. Sorry, I also have a problem with the fuel button. It doesn't light up. Does the light bulb burn out?
  5. Forgive me, I only reported what is on the English a2 forum. I just wanted to know the reality because I will have to repair mine which definitely has broken strings and I hope I can fix it.
  6. Here's what they say: "The main failure point is the nylon connector that connects the cable to the front truck, this in all honesty is simply a crap piece of design on the OSS Audi (or more accurately the Co that Audi bought the OSS from) realised this design fault, but it was much too late as thousands of OSS had already been sold, the fix was a couple of metal plates that are screwed to the front truck and have teeth that grip the cable. These are still sold as 'OSS repair parts', but have a fundamental design flaw in that the OSS design transfers load from the cable to the truck via the cable pulling and pushing the nylon connector which as the other end of the connector attached to the rear foot of the front truck. So the load is push / pull from the cable. When the nylon joiner breaks (which they all will due to the poor material selection) the Audi repair plates connect the cable to the truck in a totally different manor, the result is that the load on the cable is now a side load (as against the design intent of an end load) Ultimately this will cause the cable to be pushed sideways against the aluminium rails (which it was never designed to tolerate) and as such once the hard anodising has been worn of the rails the friction will increase greatly adding much more load into the motor/cable interface which is already a weak point. This is why my solution to the cable connector fault is to remake the cable ends in brass (instead of nylon), as such the loads are transferred as originally designed"
  7. Hello everyone, do you have any news with the use of straighteners? In a forum they say that in the long run the cable wears out the aluminum of the roof because it is held sideways when you have the terminal broken and the plates installed. I would like some feedback. Thank you
  8. Hello, I sent you a message, I am urgently looking for the roof repair kit
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