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Mein A2

  • A2 Modell
    1.2 TDI


  • Wohnort

Leistung von ulfsve

  1. Have anybody tried WEITEC Sportfahrwerk Ultra GT? There seems to be a kit esp. for 1.2TDI.
  2. Anybody? Somebody must have changed in an 1.2TDI???
  3. Hello, Sorry again for the English. It is ok to reply in German I do understand reading German. I'm interested in changing suspension on my A2 and get it a little lower and a little firmer. I would like to have recommendation from someone who have done it. What equipment have you used and how did the car change in handling and comfort?
  4. Hello, Sorry for the English. It is ok to reply in German I do understand reading German. I'm a new owner of an 1.2TDI in Sweden and I would like it to have the same S-Line exterior (front lower spoiler and rear diffusor) as my A4 S-line has. Does anybody know of any 3rd party that makes such?
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