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Mein A2

  • A2 Modell
    noch kein A2
  • Farbe
    Rallye Green


  • Wohnort
    Espoo, Finland

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Leistung von MilkBoy

  1. MilkBoy

    Icetrack 6.0 2015

    Actually, it's already hidden somewhere in cmpbtb's car along with some other quite normal camping stuff
  2. MilkBoy

    Icetrack 6.0 2015

    Did you see my PM?
  3. MilkBoy

    Icetrack 6.0 2015

    Looks nice
  4. MilkBoy

    Icetrack 6.0 2015

    Suppose nobody with VCDS has some time to spare (somewhere around the Helsinki area) before you leave? Or did everybody leave already?
  5. MilkBoy

    Icetrack 6.0 2015

    nice. We only ate @Hesburger
  6. MilkBoy

    Icetrack 6.0 2015

  7. MilkBoy

    Icetrack 6.0 2015

    Mmm. 85 according the car, or GPS? The Octavia RS could not handle 82 (gps speed), but 79 == no problem
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