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Mein A2

  • A2 Modell
    1.4 TDI (75PS)


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Leistung von Hotstuff

  1. Hey George, Tony and Jack will be there that weekend and will be able to fix this for you on the day. Tony can provide the part numbers for you that you need. Highly recommend to do injectors same time. We will bring cleaned and calibrated injectors with new seals. Look forward to see everyone there. Petra
  2. Hotstuff

    IT8 Livethread

    Bon Voyage to the travellers today ! Hope you all have a great time on the ferry ?
  3. Hotstuff

    IT8 Livethread

    Being attacked by the German man not wanting us to take photos of his car when so filthy !!
  4. Hotstuff

    IT8 Livethread

    Greetings from Finland this am. Beauty and the Beast
  5. Wishing our continental friends a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and best wishes for 2017. Looking forward to meeting some of you at Icetrack in a few weeks time. Follow the link to our Festive video, we hope you enjoy it. https://www.facebook.com/a2cars/post...=page_internal https://youtu.be/x_n9zOLOnPI Blue skies Tony and Petra
  6. Ah, good! I see that we've been listed on the forum as attending the Icetrack in Jan. Really cannot wait after the disappointment of missing out on the last trip. Looking forward to some fun and meeting more A2 enthusiasts. blue skies tony
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