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    1.4 TDI (AMF)
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Leistung von jp.oog

  1. We are looking at coming to this event feom the UK. James
  2. Is there a way to book a room for 5th, 6th and 7th. Booking.com claims its full.
  3. For some reason I can not comment on the main thread for this meet
  4. Hi, I am very interested in attending in 2024 from the UK. I have attended in 2014 2015 2016 and 2017 previously. I still have the same tdi but my collection has grown to three now. I won't really know for sure about attendance until March so may need alternative accommodation. I really hope to see some old and new faces...mine has certainly gone old. Lol. James.
  5. If there was an event in June would it be in Germany or the Netherlands?
  6. lol. Yes it was a novel experience.
  7. I'll give that a go from a proper computer when I'm next near one. Thanks guys. James
  8. Could you email me a copy Bret
  9. Pity we couldn't make the meal afterwards. I'll keep dripping water on the stone for IT2018. James and Billy
  10. I agree it was a great weekend. Thanks Eric. It was great to be made to feel so welcome again. We look forward to JT2018 with Tuna and sweetcorn cider this time. Lol. James and Billy.
  11. No problem. Our pleasure. New flavours for next year! James
  12. Thanks for making us English guys feel so welcome. We enjoyed ourselves again this year's and will see you again for JT2018 James and Billy.
  13. Hilarious!
  14. The car is serviced, repaired and ready to go. By Thursday so will we. Looking forward to see you all again.
  15. 16. jp.oog 2 x Friday (bowling)/ 2x B / 2 x BBQ (meat) / 2 x museum. 2 meal - 74 E.
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