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Autoradio and Cd Reader


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Hi guys, the firrst things i would make compliments for your forum.

I must write in english because i don't know the German language :(

I've a question on my audi a2,it has an autoradio with tape of series (bundled).

I would buy an cd reader, what i need? an adapter? or there is a cd reader directly compatible with this autoradio?


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ou need at least the Radio Chorus Type 2 .

Tpe 1 does not has a CD changer connector. But all better Radios has it. You need a CD changer.

and a cable. Sorr, can't help more.



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But You need the original CD changer!! for the rear or for the box at the right side in the front.


If you want to use other changers you need spacial adapters from the Dietz-company for example. this is minimum 99 Euro as I remember. (50-150 Euro)

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yes, then you have the chorus II.


you now have a choice:

- audi changer is not always cheap, sometimes people sell theirs;

- a phatbox (phatmusic.com) is a cool alternative, a little more expensive, but you can get it do all sorts of stuff. you can put it in front of the passenger seat in the "secret space" and then forget about it.

- there's also a CD-changer available for the glovebox. there are several threads about this here, but it's quite expensive and easier to fit than the CD-Changer in the boot.

- yes, you can get another changer (panasonic, for example), but i don't see the point. You need an adapter and the changer itself is not that cheap. Today, i'd go for a phatbox every time.


hope this helps.



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Yes, you need the adapter for a Phatbox or other (Icelink/Ipod and others) MP3 player.

I will install a small MP3 player instead of a CDchanger.

(this is the cheapest, I got the Player allready an the adapter is 40-55 Euro)

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a phatbox needs an adapter? i didn't think so, because Audi / VW offer it as Original Equipment in the US-of-A... see http://cgi.ebay.com/AUDI-PHATBOX-MP3-DIGITAL-AUDIO-PLAYER-PHATNOISE_W0QQitemZ8010229088QQcategoryZ43947QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

as an example. translates to just under €300, depending on whether customs decide to hit you for tax ;)


for phatnoise: (sorry, it's in english)



sorry, no time right now, i have to go paint some more ;)



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