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A2 BBY problem, stutters, misfires


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I'm about ready to give up now, can't find the solution... Any help is greatly appreciated.


Bought the car a little while ago and everything worked, but over the next few days it started misbehaving worse and worse. Now it's pretty much undrivable.


The symptoms are that it starts fine, (with quite a bit of valve tic when cold but from what I've read that's not uncommon) but after a minute or so it starts misfiring, running on three cylinders (sometimes) - then it sometimes goes fine again after a little while, and sometimes it just gets so bad it stalls. It's driveable a (very) short distance after a restart and reset of fault codes, and especially when warm it goes absolutely fine - until it starts misbehaving again. Giving it some high revs seems to provoke the problem to appear faster.


I have changed the egr-valve and adapted it, have changed most parts of the crankcase ventilation and oil separator, changed sparkplugs and coils, changed cambelt, changed altitude sensor, cleaned and adapted the throttle body. Nothing works, if anything it just gets worse and worse... The old sparkplugs were very sooty.


I currently get these fault codes (read with OBDeleven):

P1553 - manifold pressure, implausible ratio.

P1142 - load detection, value below lower limit.

01314 - engine control module, read dtc.

Today I also had one instance of P1180 (linear oxygen sensor, short cirquit to B+) but that didn't come back and might have been because the battery was a little low.

Earlier I've also had P0304 (misfire detected) on cylinders 2, 3 & 4 (but not at the same time), and I've had P1504 (air intake system, leak detected) but these faults have all gone away after swapping parts as described above.


I do most simple work myself, but had the cambelt changed by the mechanic I usually use. He's not an Audi-specialist but he is very good, and said that from his experience this kind of intermittent weird problem usually was electric and might be the ECU gone bad. 


I can buy a second hand ECU, but if that's not the problem either it's really getting a bit painful to just throw money at a car that's not driveable... 


So, any advice is very much appreciated. 


Thank you,


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