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exhaust silencer = inox ??

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(sorry for posting in english, aber Deutsch kann ich nicht mehr)


Just wondering: do you know if the exhaust silencer of our A2s is made of inox or just a standard metal material.


I'm asking because of the water that seems to stay in this part (autumn temperatures + short trips = dew = rost!)



I had been advised by non-Audi drivers to make a small hole in the silencer to allow for the water to flow gently... I may leave it so then, and rely on the expected A2 parts reliability.


Just would like to add the information:


If you intend to buy an INOX aftermarket product, only two items are recommended:


BN-Pipes Sportauspuff für FSI, TDI und 1.4







The BN pipes feature twin exhaust ports and do work best with the 1.6 FSI, also in terms of sound.


The Milltek muffler seems to be made in equally high quality, but it comes with the regular down bent exhaust end geometry. Milltek sounds usually are quite nice as well…


The BN pipes feature twin exhaust ports and do work best with the 1.6 FSI, also in terms of sound.




I will consider this option should I need to replace the silencer.

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