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light white smoke (exhaust pipe) : normal ?

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Guten Morgen!

I noticed recently that once the engine is hot, when I'm parking at the office after a ~20km trip, a visible white smoke comes out of the exhaust pipe of my 1.6 FSI.

This white smoke never appears when the engine is cold.


The coolant level seems ok.


What do you think. Could it be only the dry but cold weather (+/- 0° ?).

Any other clue ?



(sorry for posting in english)


Hi verdaine,

you wrote that the coolant-level is O.K. but please check it in periodic maintenance. If there is a leakage, there must be a problem with your cylinder-head gasket.


If the engine is hot, when you are parking, the visible white smoke which comes out of the exhaust pipe is normal. This white smoke never appears when the engine is cold because it is the cold and dry wheater. The air outside is ice cold thus the water condenses in the cold air.


Wishing you a happy Christmas and a successful and prosperous New Year.


Audi TDI+++

Original von Audi TDI

If the engine is hot, when you are parking, the visible white smoke which comes out of the exhaust pipe is normal. This white smoke never appears when the engine is cold because it is the cold and dry wheater. The air outside is ice cold thus the water condenses in the cold air.


Thanks for the details

When you say "normal", do you mean "normal if I have a gasket problem"

or "normal, no need to worry" ?


Merry Christmas to you too!

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