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Am newbie from Italy -need info about interior/exterior settings and special series settings

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At first let me introduce myself to you all. 

I live in Bologna, Italy, my name is Luca, 47 yo. I'm bald but with mustache and hate purée.

The meaning of my nick comes from an old local popular saying: you are pleasant and simpatethic like a cat attached to my testicules (literally browns, like chestnuts).


Hi to all! I am scanning my local market to find a benzin A2 -my love-. Preferably a 1.4 16V.  

I need to find any website/catalog with the real colour setting interior/exterior of A2 models and special series too.


It's very important because I noticed there are too much fantasious people who invent false special versions.

Please, can you help me to distinguish between authentic and messy cars?



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First of all welcome to our forum of A2 enthusiasts.


vor 19 Minuten schrieb CatAttachedToBrowns:

I need to find any website/catalog with the real colour setting interior/exterior of A2 models and special series too.


It's very important because I noticed there are too much fantasious people who invent false special versions.

Please, can you help me to distinguish between authentic and messy cars?


I recommend you to visit this site which offers comprehensive information about the (colour) options which were available from factory and when:

A2 Museum - A2 Facts


Try to use auto-translator if necessary.

If anything remains not clear, just ask the question here.


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