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Bracket 8Z0971845AC


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Hello my name is Ronald and i life in Norway. This is the first time that i am writing on the a2 side but i have read a lot:)

I try to write Englisch but i read German very good.

I have a Audi a2 1.2 tdi 2005.

Now i have changed the clutch on a car the first time in my live and it have been a adventure pfffff.

I take pictures every time but now a have a bracket and i don,t remember where it was placed on the car .? 

The bracket oem is 8Z0971845AC

It 's along tekst for just a bracket. But i want to introduse my self the first on the side.

Greetings and gratulations with a nice side

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16112328965628422579860837508445.thumb.jpg.b8faa74bcea3b564ff854a6abeeddb24.jpgThank you for the answer. I have seen that diagram and nr 38 . And seek after a picture from that  area. But not found it. Is it possible that it fasten to the upper bolt from the starter to the engine? The other bolt is fasten to the earth cable.

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Am 21.1.2021 um 14:00 schrieb Odin:

Thank you for the answer. I have seen that diagram and nr 38 . And seek after a picture from that  area. But not found it. Is it possible that it fasten to the upper bolt from the starter to the engine? The other bolt is fasten to the earth cable.


Your assumption is correct.

That bracket is fastened to the upper bolt of the starter engine with a nut to its double hexagon head screw.


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