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no more brakelights + abs/esp warning

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Panic this morning.

I first got the orange warning message stating that one of my brake light was dead. "Ok, I'll change it once at the office".

But once arrived I realized that none of the 3 lights were working.

"Ok, must be the fuse"

Nope. Fuse OK.

"Must be the contact under the brake pedal"

I'm a bad mechanic, let's check it at the garage.

2 kilometers further, a christmas tree on the dashboard:

ESP warning

ABS warning

Red braking system general warning (but the car still brakes ok).


The technicians are not sure that they will have time to investigate / fix the problem today so I'm getting nervous. They "guess" it could be the contactor.


Any idea?





it could be a jamed brakelightswitch. You can find it, if you look up the brake pedal it´s black and half the size of a lighter with a plastic pin at the pedal.

When you push the pedal the pin needs to arm out, following the brake pedal. If it´s stuck try to move it out. I got the same problem as i snag my shoelace on it.

Don´t realy know how i was able to get up there.


MfG Herbert

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