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hello, i have a problem with my A2..

A fault code is coming back, even if i erase it, it comes back.


This is the fault code, can anybody tell me if it is the G202, or do i need to change the ABS computer (steuergerat)? if i go to the dealer, they told me that they change the G202 first, and if that doesnt help, they will change the J104 (abs steuergerat)..


Can anybody tell me if it is the G202 or the J104? And where can i buy the G202 or J104? Links or websites are welcome!


This is the fault code and also the partnr of the computer..


It is in dutch, but im sure you will understand it..

And i hope somebody can help me,


Adres 03: Remsysteem

Onderdeelnummer: 8Z0 907 379 B

Component: ESP 20 CAN V015

Codering: 10758

Werkplaats#: WSC 02154


1 Fout Gevonden:

01542 - Sensor voor verdraaiing van wagen -G202

57-00 - Electrisch Circuit Fout


Before change anything you have to locate the problem. At every wheel you check first the abs-sensor and the wires to them.


Don´t do any experimental work on your braking system if you´re not able to do it!!! It´s dangerous for you and all trafficpartners.

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