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Firstly, apologies for the English, I really should be able to post in German and it's rude not doing so :(


It's all about caster adjustment; looking at the geo sheet from last year and thinking of what I want to solve, the lh -ve caster & rh +ve caster must be causing the wander to the left. It's also got equal toe out ('within tolerance' which curiously allows more toe out than in) but that's easy to alter and would only be accentuating the problem. Looking on ELSA at camber adjustment it states 'DO NOT move the subframe front to back, only side to side', from that I am assuming the subframe can be moved front/rear on either side independently. This is the only way I can think of tweaking the caster although ELSA doesn't mention it at all.

Has anyone had any such adjustments made? If I had a ramp and geo gear I'd have a tinker myself and the couple of places I know of nearby won't be that interested in adjusting stuff if it's 'within tolerance'; I don't want it within tolerance, I want it right smile.gif


I would rather drive to a nearby repair workshop equipped with a laser based adjustment ramp; the modern ramps have a database (updated each 3 monthes) with all camber/caster angles including tolerances so computer assisted it's made in a dozen of minutes and costs about 40 EUR

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