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Servopumpe mit eigenen leben...

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Hello everyone and happy new year to you!


The Servopumpe in my 2001 1,4benz. seems to live its own life. If I leave the car standing still on idle, the pump can start and stop at least once every second or so, and it keeps doing this without me moving the steering wheel. It's a powerful motor and it uses enough current to cause all interior lights to flicker. It's a pain to drive in the dark as well since the flickering also affects the headlights (a lot). I've also had the odd engine stall, but so far it's been enough just to restart it. Almost every week it also shows the error code for the steering in the display.

What I've done so far:

- Replaced the engine last spring so the Massepunkt im Motorraum is OK :).

- Replaced the Generator a month ago due to bearing noise.

- Checked pump fluid level and fluid quality (seems OK).

- Checked electric connectors on the pump- looks like new.

- Checked main earth connection in rear seat footwell (Längsträger).

- Checked for fault codes with VCDS - seems to be connection problems and various systems not responding (intermittent).

- Checked steering angle readout with VCDS and the signal seems stabile at least.

- A local garage tested the battery and (although old) it seems OK.


I think the problems are related to electric feed to the pump, possibly due to a earth connection problem. This seems to affect other engine related systems as well.

Sometimes the pump doesn't work at all, but no error code is shown. I really don't know how to proceed and would really apreciate any kind of help/feedback.

I speak German, but not on the level of writing very well. Feel free to answer in DE/EN.



Fredrik, Umea, Schweden


In the first year (MY2001), the servopump came with the stearing angle sensor, which is a additional sensor in the stearing box. Seems that this part ist faulty. Since MY2002, the servopump comes without this sensor.


Just search for 6Q2423291AX at googles picture search and you will see where its build in. Maybe you can find some threads in the forum.


You can also use this outdated part no. for search 8Z1423291



Try to clean and grease its housing and the sensor itself, otherwhise you have to replace it.


Maybe you dont longer need this sensor if you replace the servo pump to a newer on from 2002 or later.


Edit: Or just see post #2.




I just removed the sensor (but not from the pump).

The plastic Unterschutz have to be removed, and the LH side wheel, but nothing else, unless the sensor is to be replaced that is...

I used a T25 bit, a short extension and a small 1/4" ratchet.

It was easy compared to the Termostat change I'll do on a friends A6 2,4q -00 in a couple of weeks... :-).

The sensor looked like new inside, but I'll go ahead and replace it since I have these problems. It's not nice to drive when the servo is "Intermittent", and I have 15km of a curvy road to work as well.


Thanks for the great help guys!

  • 3 Wochen später...

Obwohl schwierig zu wechseln, ein neue G250 hat alles gelöst! :) Jetzt gibt's Serolenkung wenn's gebraucht wird, Gereuch ist weg, keine "blinkende beleuchtung" und keine Fehlercodes mehr.

Vielen Dank zu alle Mitgliedern im Forum und alle gute Tips!


Beim wechsel des G250 muss Radschale weg und am bestens ein kleines 1/4" Ratsche mit 50mm Verlängerung + Torx25 benutzt sein. Kontakt am Pumpe ist etwas schwierig zum löschen, aber mit wille und ein kleine Schraubdreher geht es.




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