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Aftermarket radio


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First of all sorry for my English... :o but i cant speak German.


first let me introduce myself my name is Eric Osman and i'm from the Netherlands. Sinds 2 days i'm a proud owner of an Audi A2 1.4 Diesel ( From 2000 ).


Now comes my question :

I would like to install an aftermarket radio in my car. My car has a Blaupunkt thing under the passenger chair ( i guess for the back speakers ? )


now i think i need : Radioeinbauset Radioblende+Aktivsystem- & Antennenadapter für AUDI A2 A3 A4 A6 | eBay


But is this right ? and do i need something else ?


Thank you very much!

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Yes, the set you've linked should work. You're right, the Blaupunkt amplifier ist for the rear speakers.



On an other forum i'm reading you should use this one :

Audi A2 A3 A4 TT Car Radio Wiring Loom Harness PC9-404 | eBay

with this :



or is the kit from my first post also right?


and what part go's in my new radio ?

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and what part go's in my new radio ?


Err... not to be arrogant, you should really be able to find that out by looking at the radio ;) If you can't do that, please don't install the radio yourself. The first kit would also require some soldering, the second one most certainly does so (to supply the phantom supply with power).


Message user Stanni, he can solder you a plug and play ready adapter.

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Yes, no, I mean, look at your new radio, it should be pretty clear what plug goes where ;) Use the first set, you'll still have to solder / or otherwise connect the blue cable form the phantom powering adapter to the remote out from the new radio. You can get the information which connector this is radio wise form the docs that should be available for your new radio.

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