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Alle erstellten Inhalte von nuttinnew

  1. I'm aiming to be at Travemunde/Lubeck 20:30, I'll be in the blue GB rhd one
  2. Packing tonight, I'll probably just end up grabbing everything I can find and filling the car
  3. I'm thinking (enough already:o) Monday night/Tue in Hel Tue night to Stock Wed/Wed night Stock Thur Stock .....
  4. Watching it now
  5. Ah! Back in an hour, Top Gear time:)
  6. Warning, stupid question alert! For someone not used to such temperatures, how bad will it be walking round Helsinki/Stickholm usw sightseeing?
  7. I still haven't decided how to get back...I may end up making it up as I go along via credit card & internet cafe.
  8. Hurry! It could be delivered to my work if need be. In other news, the boot is now stocked with choice and selection (aber kein blanc )
  9. Sheesh....
  10. No probs, I'm just off to Asda for the Theakston's, some anti-seasickness tablets and some more thermals. The A2 has so much useful that I end up thinking I'm wasting it if it's not fully loaded every trip....so much for lightweight
  11. I got a cheap set of factor 3s today (& some woolly wellies ). Normal shopping mostly done, checking alco prices. Weincontor Berner; Newcastle Brown Ale 24 x 0,35lt 14.45 Is that ok? 500ml bottles are £1.70 each here atm. Re wobble; dogbone made a big improvement, still a bit there though and it gets worse around 120km/h I'm wondering if it's the nearside front engine mount but I probably won't get a chance to do anything.
  12. Have a safe trip, see you there
  13. +13.5 here Never mind anything else, those tempweratures will be experience enough ! Here's a quick comparison http://classic.wunderground.com/ Handy site, shows windchill as well. Hmm!
  14. The more I look at where to go after Stockholm the less clear I am about what to do...it works that I either end up with a couple of days left or needing a couple more:mad: I can bring some cheap Audi rear window treatment & Audi car care gift packs if anyone wants, I've got a case of each Right, back to GoogleMaps & viamichelin...
  15. I checked the strength today, it was off the scale :cool: Also found the oil caps round the wrong way and the engine oil cap is an old part number Also found lots of scratches on the back of the car and on the windscreen
  16. 'Helsinki is having it's worst snow for 50 years'.
  17. I won't get my seat heaters fitted in time...I guess I'll have to keep the A2 for next winter so I can get to use them
  18. I've a few sets of thermals, fleeces, jackets with fleece inners, a couple of hats & balaclava, jogging bottoms & overtrousers, hike-type boots...only one pair of gloves atm though... The only time I've been in -toomuch was when I worked in a freezer; that got down to -56 with windchill from the fans It was 15 years ago and the memory fades... Looking at Field & Trek atm
  19. -28 I don't know if I have enough clothing for enough layers :00: Right, ebay for boot/gloves etc
  20. I can bring some
  21. I'm in
  22. Yes, I thought I replied Will check now
  23. Feck, they okayed mine to -30 in December
  24. nuttinnew

    Zeigt her eure A2!

    They would fit a 1.2 but probably a bit big, they're 7" wide I think. The name Monza springs to mind but I can't find any pics yet
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