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Fitting Koni FSD's in Berlin

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Guten Tag,

Entschuldigen, ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch, dehalb muß ich gelegentlich einmal in Englisch schreiben!

Ich habe seit Oktober 2008 in Berlin gewohnt, und ich habe mein Audi A2 aus London nach Berlin gefahren.

Neulich habe ich die Suspension knarren gehört, und ich will zu Koni FSD's wechseln.

Meine Fragen:

- does anyone know where I can get Koni FSD's fitted in Berlin - preferably by someone more specialist and hopefully cheaper than a main dealer?

- does anyone know the best place in Germany/Europe to buy them, or are they currently cheaper in the UK because of the exchange rate?

- what other parts, eg springs, rubber mounts, should I change at the same time?

Vielen Dank!


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You can't buy them. They run out of them... Needs a new production.

I got FSD fitted during hollidays on the island Norderney.


You need some other parts I could have a look to by bill... Or come for a visit, I am in Berlin ;)

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@Shadout, what is Elch? And I haven't heard of the Bilstein B6 - do they offer the same performance as the FSD's?


The B6 are a little less comfotable and a little more sporty orientated.

I drove the FSD over several hundred kilometers and after that I switched to B6.

I´m happy having done this.

In my opinion the B6 fit better to the top-heavy A2.

The comfort ist better than original suspension.

At least: they are cheaper.


Taking the FSD? Change the springs, otherwise front is lifted up (and it looks like a shitting elk ( named here "Elch")).


If you are driving generaly bumpy roads and comfort is the most important thing: FSD.


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Thanks - many of the roads here in Berlin (where I do most of my driving) are cobbled - so while I still want good handling, comfort is a priority. I also hope for slightly less road noise on the Autobahn as well...

And most of the time I have my 2 year old daughter in the back, so I'm not looking to thrash it anyway.

After the helpful replies here, and looking at other posts/threads on this and the UK A2 forum, I have just ordered:

FSD's, Weitec 30/00, 4 bump stops (front to be cut down 30mm, from the bottom), and 2 top mounts for the front.

Now I just need to find somewhere in Berlin to get them fitted - any suggestions?

And anything else I should be thinking about?

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  • 1 Monat später...

Thanks Bret (I'm not particularly looking to drop the front though - don't want to lose any ground clearance - just want to avoid the 'shitting elk' syndrome that's described on here).

One more question: Do I need to have the Weitec springs compressed, or just fitted as they come - with the bump stops shortened of course?



PS: I just saw another thread suggesting that 35/00 or 35/30 might be better for the 1.6 petrol. Anyone have any views/experience of this?

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In my previous post, I'd missed that these are FSDs and was concentrating on the springs. The general consensus appears to be that FSDs will lift mildly (+5-10mm, see "humps" posts on a2oc.net), so the difference in ride height at the front in the end should be minimal, and yet still be enough to avoid a Moose.

I can't give authoritative answers (you've read the FSD threads here and on a2oc.net, no?) but if you're going to Weitec and don't want to lose clearance, 'don't get them compressed' is certainly my gut feeling.


Are there any other changes you've made? Hifi, for example?



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no problem - Koala Brother quote - "we're here to help" ;)


So, am I right in thinking that FSD's with 30/00 will avoid the 'Moose' and give me roughly the same ride height as my current set-up (so need to go to the 35/30)?


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