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A2 1.2 front end damaged


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Dear A2 fans,


After over 10 years of A2 3L use a Ford Focus took a corner too tightly and swiped my A2's smile from it's face.


The damage appears cosmetic but I would value your advice as the Insurance company want to write the car off!


I saw the car after strip down on Friday and could find no evidence of chassis damage. The Alloy lower bumper was of course compressed at the corner where the Ford hit. the car drives straight and there are no signs of damage to the suspension or shock absorber/spring mounts.


See: Audi A2 1.2 TDI Damage


I noticed the bumper holders point out from the forward bulkhead with a slight angle (outwards) on both sides. To the untraiend eye it miught look like the box section has been pushed sideways but I believe the cars were made this way? Does anyone have any maufacturing drawings or photos from Neckarsulm to confirm the angle of these forward pointing lower bumper/fender struts?


Vielen Dank!






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Hi Lukas,


this damage doesn't look bad and I can't imagine that this is a constructive total-loss of the car. Isn't it possible to involve an accident assessor? Here in Germany you've got the right to assign one, naturally at the expense of the insurance.


Imho the main chassis beam can't get really damaged in this case, therefore it's no total-loss. I think the damaged components are: the outer and inner bumper (of course :rolleyes: ), the lock carrier, the headlamp (note: there's a repair kit available for the upper mounts), the lock carrier and maybe the fender.


When the mounts of the outer bumper don't fit anymore, loosen the screws all around the fender and try to fit the attachments.


btw: Even if there's anyone here with construction documentation, we're not allowed to publish any copyrighted material. sry.


Let us know if you need more support.

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  • 2 Wochen später...

Schoen Guten Abend aus England!


OK so the insurance company now says they will not repair my 1.2 TDI even though the damage is low. The Audi Dealer now wants more to fix (original quote was £1700 now they say £4000!!!! - but thye are quoting £100/hour and all new parts).


It should be possible to buy the car back from the insurers and rebuild. Can anyone suggest a good source for parts?


If it is too expensive i would like to keep the car for spares and buy another 1.2 TDI - are there any good ones for sale in Germany/Holland?


Vielen Dank!






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