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Wippe/stellhebel für schaltgasse richtig einstellen an gangsteller

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Wippe/stellhebel für schaltgasse richtig einstellen an gangsteller

My German is so bad so I will try in English, but answer in German if easier.

I changed all O-rings , gaskets ,,, on the “gangsteller”. I also dismounted the “schaltgasse stellhebel” gate selector arm. The Gate selector shaft was mounted to the rocker on splines with no given position. (see SSP 221 page 15 English or German).

Someone knowing how to mount Control lever/rocker “Stellhebel/wipe” in the right position to each other?

MFG Myhr


See picture.

I dismounted the control arm (see picture) and the cap mounted with 3 screws. The control arm and the rocker /wippe ( see VAG's SSP221 page 15) are connected through a shaft on the control arm which has splines without any given position.

I thought when dissamtling that they had a given postion so one could just mount in one position !

Question is how should they be positioned against each other?




Good morning Kurt,


as you can see on the pictures, the most left position is aligned with the "e" of Made.

If that is correct, you only have a small gap on the right site.


So just pull out the control arm and turn it into the next fitting position till it looks like on the photos. It is that easy!





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