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Electrical connector to Hydraulic Control Unit A2 1.2tdi

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I wonder if it is possible to obtain the 8 pin plug that connects the cables to the hydraulic control unit except as part of a wiring loom for the gearbox?


The dealer found me a connector P/N: 8D0 973 834 but this does not look correct as it does not have the locking mechanism.


In my car it is held in place with a cable tie and I would like to fix it properly in case I ever need to do the basic setting again. Because it is held on with a cable tie it is not so easy for me to remove to examine.


Here is a picture of the part: WP_20140404_02_06_48_Pro.jpg.c78d88c0c524ec0a89aa630591328bc0.jpg



I wonder if it is possible to obtain the 8 pin plug that connects the cables to the hydraulic control unit except as part of a wiring loom for the gearbox?


The dealer found me a connector P/N: 8D0 973 834 but this does not look correct as it does not have the locking mechanism.


In my car it is held in place with a cable tie and I would like to fix it properly in case I ever need to do the basic setting again. Because it is held on with a cable tie it is not so easy for me to remove to examine.


Here is a picture of the part: [ATTACH]49556[/ATTACH]


Some better images: WP_20140425_16_21_34_Pro.jpg.bd5696f65792fbd4cc71dc2b1d4482bc.jpg


As you can see the number starts 8D0 973 then possibly a 7?



Thank you so much for this Mark!

I could see the part was wrong but could not find the correct part number in the catalogue when I was at the dealer.



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