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Hi Guys,


I have an Audi A2 1.4 ( build in 2000 from germany) with a new Ccu 8z0 959 433 N and i bougth 2 keys: 8Z0 837 231 D

But i cant get the remote working... What do i do wrong?


The blade works but i cant use the remote. Do i need diffrent remotes? Like the 8Z0 837 231 ?

  Artur schrieb:
The new keys have to be paired with the CCU. Tell us what you did so far.



A friend of mine got the blades working with the car but he cant get the remote working ( untill now ) he did it multiple times on other A2 cars. So i dont know what he did.


Which key works (8Z0 837 231 or 8Z0 837 231 D) depends on the CCU. If the 8Z0 837 231 D doesn't work, try the 8Z0 837 231.


Which year is the CCU?


8Z0 837 231 => (06.2000-06.2002)

8Z0 837 231 D => (07.2002-08.2005)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
  Artur schrieb:
Which key works (8Z0 837 231 or 8Z0 837 231 D) depends on the CCU. If the 8Z0 837 231 D doesn't work, try the 8Z0 837 231.


Which year is the CCU?


8Z0 837 231 => (06.2000-06.2002)

8Z0 837 231 D => (07.2002-08.2005)


Hi, my ccu is from build year 2007


So i guess i can sell my "old" keys and buy "8Z0 837 231"

Bearbeitet von ericosman
  ericosman schrieb:
So i guess i can sell my "old" keys and buy "8Z0 837 231"
Honestly, I don't know. Referring your new 2007 CCU, I would suspect the 8Z0 837 231 D as the right one.
  Artur schrieb:
Honestly, I don't know. Referring your new 2007 CCU, I would suspect the 8Z0 837 231 D as the right one.


But i guess its dependents on the CCU model instead of the build year:confused:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
  Romulus schrieb:
This might help:Komfortsteuergerät – A2-Freun.de Wiki


This might help, too: Klappschlüssel vom neuen A6 - Seite 5 - A2 Forum


If it comes down to the difference in frequency between newer and older units, Räubermutti recently posted about this.


P.S. This would be a nice first thread for the English subforum ;)


So maybe i have the right keys ? Because the ccu is 433.92MHZ and the keys also.

Bearbeitet von ericosman
  ericosman schrieb:
So maybe i have the right keys ? Because the ccu is 433.92MHZ and the keys also.


Eric ,Romulus kan ook een beetje nederlands :D misschien dat hij het in het duits wilt vertalen voor je ;)

  pocoloco schrieb:
Eric ,Romulus kan ook een beetje nederlands :D misschien dat hij het in het duits wilt vertalen voor je ;)


Haha zou wel handig voor me zijn :)) maar zover ik het begrijp is er een grote kans dat ik de juiste sleutels heb...


I am not a key or electronics specialist, neither have I ever had to solve this puzzle myself. The only thing that I like and can add in this case, is helping in thinking.


Does this describe your problem?

FFB lässt sich nicht mit dem KStG verdongeln - A2 Forum

(like many others here, I can help in translation German - English; like not so many others, I can even help in translation German - Dutch :D but as we are in an international community, I prefer to speak a broadly accepted language like German or English.)


@Papahans, da hast du eine gute Übersetzung erwischt... ich habe da viel schlimmeres gesehen...

  Romulus schrieb:
I am not a key or electronics specialist, neither have I ever had to solve this puzzle myself. The only thing that I like and can add in this case, is helping in thinking.


Does this describe your problem?

FFB lässt sich nicht mit dem KStG verdongeln - A2 Forum

(like many others here, I can help in translation German - English; like not so many others, I can even help in translation German - Dutch :D but as we are in an international community, I prefer to speak a broadly accepted language like German or English.)


@Papahans, da hast du eine gute Übersetzung erwischt... ich habe da viel schlimmeres gesehen...


If i understand right he changed his CCU and tryed to get the key working ( start and open the car ) but only could start the car and open the car by key and not remote? If so yes thats also my problem.


She had an A2 without remote control. She changed the CCU to a version that is capable of RC. She bought a new key and had it adapted. All worked, only the remote function would not work. It turned out that there are two versions of the keys with different frequencies, this has been changed during the production period of the A2 (see #4 above). Check that your keys have the right frequency for your "N" CCU.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)



I recived a message from the seller i bought them from and he told me:


"keys you have bought wont work with that module.

the module needs 8Z0 837 231 (no letter at the end)

if you get 8Z0 959 433 AF it should work ok."


So... some one wants to buy my "old" remotes:bonk:

Bearbeitet von ericosman

I got the right keys and someone put a wire ( as an antenna ) in the left cover. But i only have reception like 1 meter from the drivers door... Is there a good way to extend the range? :)

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