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A2OC driving day?


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Seeing poccoloco's video of the German a2 clubs recent get together has got me thinking. Do you think perhaps we could arrange a driving day as a social? It would be great to see a convoy of 20+ A2's on one of Britain's best driving roads.


My suggestion would be the A4069 that travels 26 miles across the Brecon Beacons national park in Mid Wales. Plenty of spots to stop for group photos, fantastic scenery and a pub meal at the end possibly even a bit of camping for those who fancied staying longer! It's very popular with car clubs as its one of Top Gear's favourites but we would obviously take it as more of a leisure drive than a road race :-)


What do people think of the concept?




I am looking to arrange this for Sunday 30th August 2015. It will probably be leaving from the Nant-Ddu Lodge (Cwm Taf, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 2HY 01685 379111) at the edge of the Brecon Beacons at around 9:30am and then heading into the Beacons for a 2.5hr drive through country lanes and across the Black Mountains. We will take in the A4069 (documented by Top Gear as one of the best driving roads in the UK) as part of the journey stopping towards the top of the mountains in a large carpark to take in the scenery and get some group shots. We will then head back across the mountain in a different direction in a round trip back to the Nant-Ddu Lodge for a pub meal.


All of these plans are up for negotiation as this weekend is a bank holiday weekend so there are 3 potential days for this to occur. The Nant-Ddu lodge currently has accomodation available for this weekend and there are 6 other hotels within a 2 mile radius. There are also plenty of campsites within the Brecon Beacons if anyone would like to camp overnight.


The Nant-Ddu lodge carpark can hold about 25 of us but others could join on a couple of miles up the road. I think to make this justifiable then we should really have at least 10 cars taking part.

Please can I ask that you express your interest in this social via this thread and confirm whether you can definately attend. I will then add you to the list below.


Names of people who will be attending:

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