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CCCU & Keys paired by post - is this possible?

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Hi All - i've got a faulty CCCU


My CCCU is 8Z0 959 433 Q which I think is original for a 2001 UK market A2.
The key is 8Z0 837 231 / 3550029 43/00 and what looks like a manufacturing date of 06/1999

I've only one key, and for me thats just an issue that hasn't happened yet. But 100% will happen :)


Diagnostic evidence:

  • Key works fine in lock
  • Key works fine in ignition
  • Key battery is new
  • No obvious signs of damage to the cct board in the key (although I haven't removed it)
  • Key buttons click in a satisfying way but the key does not remote unlock the car.


Address 46: Central Conv.        Labels:. 8Z0-959-433.lbl
   Part No: 8Z0 959 433 Q
   Component: Komfortgerát T1D    0614  
   Coding: 06858
   Shop #: WSC 00000  
   VCID: 54F08EE987E0555B3BA-4B00

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 8Z2959802
   Component: Tõrsteuer.FS BRM 0001  

   Component: Tõrsteuer.BF BRM 0001  

4 Faults Found:
01330 - Central Control Module for Central Convenience (J393) 
            37-00 - Faulty
01134 - Alarm Horn (H12) 
            49-00 - No Communications
01559 - Drivers Door 
            61-00 - Won't De-Safe
01560 - Passenger Door 
            61-00 - Won't De-Safe


From all i've read, it seems that the CCCU is faulty (as well as alarm horn and door lock microswitches)


Is there any reasonable after market service in Germany for CCCU repair with key pairing? I don't have VCDS (it's an hour away!) so ideally would like the keys pre-paired and I would then have a local locksmith grind blanks to make the 1 remaining key.

There's a guy on the UK forum that does this but he seems very busy. There's also the issue of customs and postage to the UK. No such issues to Germany.


Thanks in advance




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Am 13.5.2022 um 17:20 schrieb ds20prefecture:

From all i've read, it seems that the CCCU is faulty (as well as alarm horn and door lock microswitches)


Is there any reasonable after market service in Germany for CCCU repair with key pairing? I don't have VCDS (it's an hour away!) so ideally would like the keys pre-paired and I would then have a local locksmith grind blanks to make the 1 remaining key.

There's a guy on the UK forum that does this but he seems very busy. There's also the issue of customs and postage to the UK. No such issues to Germany.



The user @Lau in this forum has offered CCCU-Repair in the past. I don't know if he still offers this service, but it's worth just to ask him in a personal forum-message i think.

The key pairing for remote unlock with the CCCU can be done without VCDS, too. See also this wiki-page (online-translator may help): CCCU - Learn Key without Diagnostic


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