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Dear fellow A2-addicts


(again writing in English, Deutsch kann ich nicht mehr, endschuldigung)


I am currently looking for 4 wheels (+ winter tires if possible) for my A2.

A guy is proposing a fair deal but for A3 wheels (15") equipped with 185/55/15 Michelin Winter tires. Do you think this would be ok on an A2 ?


yes, this should be OK. I run 185/55R15s in winter and the A3 wheels (they're from the old A3, yes?) should be fine, just check the bolt-hole spacing! the offset should also be cool.




Yes, they are the ones with many round holes.

I can get these (wheels + used tires - 1winter) for € 250 which seems to be a fair price.


Thanks for your valuable feedback!


i meant the spacing of the holes for the wheel bolts themselves. the old A3 used 5 bolts with a 100mm pattern; this is the same as the A2. the New a3 uses 5 on a 112 mm pattern, so they wouldn't fit.




Actually, the "seller" used to drive an A2. So at least he was able to fit the wheels on his car. But I was unsure about the tires size not being a problem.


I guess I will burn more SP98 but that's it, then.


Thanks for all the details.


This forum always amazes me. In France the A2 is a rather rare car, you hardly can discuss with other owners. But here I get answers to my silly questions within minutes.


I really wish my German would not be so bad.

Again, thanks!


Hallo verdaine,


welcome in this forum.


Now I also have a few questions to you and Bret:


Which dimensions have the rims themselves?

Are they winter aluminum rims?

How does it look in Germany with the entry with the Tüv? Are there difficulties to register the rims? Is there an ABE for the A2 available?


Does someone have a few pictures of the rims?

Which Audi part number do they have?





i'll leave this in english:

i suspect they're the steel rims in 6x15. I could be wrong....




the winteralloys i drive are 6 x 15 - the same alloy as my mother on her (old) A3. the only differenz is the tyre. mine is 185/55/15 (a cheap tire, fitting e.g. on the A-class) my mother in 185/65/15...


the main differenz is the ET of the original alloy - for better look or in case of problems wenn turn steering to the end you can use a 5mm distance plate


Hello (again)


Well, I don't have the answers to the above questions but I have an additional question (oops!);


Do you think that the usual A2 FSI tire size would fit these 'old A3' wheels (I mean 175-60-15)?


Then why did you opt for 185 55 15? Are these cheaper tires?


(Just 'upping' this topic one last time -just in case- with my remaining question);


"Do you think that the usual A2 FSI tire size would fit these 'old A3' wheels (I mean 175-60-15)?"


Thanks in advance

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