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Very likely inside, there will probably be trucks and cars mixed. @nuttinnew: thomas didn't write this one correctly: Meet 20:00 - 21:00 @ McDonalds in Lübeck Address: bei der Lohmühle 21B Bret
Kisten... da habe ich was noch, morgen wird es endgültig I will try to be at the harbour to see the ship in, depending on the cold. Other than that, we can leave the cars at Columbus again and catch a metro in. We'll then go into town for some sightseeing, Lunch and then back across. I don't know if I need to pick some stuff up from the office, I might well; if this is the case, then I'll drive over there and you lot can come over with the Metro. We'll then go via a drop-off to Riihimäki; the earliest arrival time I do not know, I assume it's after lunch at some point. We'll then do some shopping and not much else on Friday For those who don't know: Columbus is "Tyynylavantie". Google Maps Meeting point otherwise is the square sculpture in the big square otherwise known as Narinkkatori in front of the Kamppi shopping centre (metro station of the same name) - from Columbus take the metro into town, get out of the metro and take the escalators to your left. At the top, bear right and out of the door past Ben & Jerry's and TekniskMagasinet. The sculpture is in that square. Do not take your car into town unless you want to pay >€3/hour in parking fees. Lempivaara: Karhintie/Route 2879 to Karhintie, 12240 Hausjärvi, Finland - Google Maps Bret
IceTrack 2.0 advert on Vimeo at some point tonight.... I think I need to consider plus membership, but not just now Bret
Walking is fine if you're wearing something other than heels or leather-soled brogues....especially Helsinki will have cleared paths. Bret
So, a quick warning and reminder....... I was at the track today and was talking with various people, one of whom was Mikael. I have some video I'll put up later. Short version? The roads (and the track) are incredibly slippery. Just because you're experienced doesn't mean very much: Mikael has a deformed wing and two doors to prove it. I've had several close-ish calls today, too. You know, going round corners getting closer to the guy in the lane next door or trying to move and going sideways instead of forwards.... The road and / or the track are not a playground and they are not without risk. Treat the track, the roads and the weather with respect. I am trying to ensure you have a safe trip here, not be a killjoy! Your tyres will, as a rule, be truly awful in this cold, so be aware of this and FFS, keep your distance from the guy in front, no matter what we're doing. We have phones and other means of contact! We'll also probably change the arrangements for Saturday Lunch, as eating outside is not an option when it's -30. Cold Pizza? No thanks. We'll probably go over to the ABC at the main road (it's about a 10 minute drive). That way everyone gets to warm up - it was cold enough today, thanks, and that was "only" -16. Bret
I'll be more accurate: Tonight -18 (it's already -17) tomorrow -14/-19 Sunday -15 / -22 Monday -17 / -21 Tue -14/-22 Wed -17/-24 Thu -19/-28 Fri -20/-26 Sat -20/-29 (!) Sun 20th -18/-24 nom nom nom! Bret
In Helsinki fangen die dann gerade an Ohyes, the weather forecast. Sunshine. Cold. Perfect. -10--18 during the day and down to -28 at night. Exactly what I want. No Finnish springtime this time.... Bret
Der Aussichtspunkt ist am Ende der Sunrise Wall, ja, und mann kommt theoretischerweise auch dahin. Frage ist ob der Schnee geräumt wurde, denn wenn nicht ist es unpassierbar (war bis zu meinen Oberschenkel in Schnee beim Eistrack vor ein paar Wochen und hier gibt es noch mehr)...da gibt es einige Bilder von im Streetview. übrigens, die streetview Bilder sind etwas älter und z.B das Blaue Gebäude am Hafeneingang ist inzwischen ein ABC / Benzinstation. Bret
von was ich verstanden habe, mann kann über die Brücke, die auf diese Karte als "Porvarinsilta" gekennzeichnet ist, rüber zur andere Seite. Da kann mann entsprechend der Lärmschutzwand entlang laufen. Was mir nicht klar ist, ist ob es Winterdienst gibt. Bret
Weather update: this week is *cold*, -20 or so at night and -15 during the day, but the weekend is seen as being snowy and warmer. Let's see. @magica and Seinelektriker: ich bin dann Freitag in Vuosaari beim Schiffeinfahren dabei; ich hole noch ein Kollege ab in Tikkurila und fahre dann rüber. Ich prüfe noch kurz davor die Lage - ich muss eh um 6 oder so losfahren um den Schiff zu treffen. Ich melde mich bei euch, denn es gibt ein Lookout point von den Mann den dockenden Schiff beobachten könnte. Wegen Fotos am Sonntag bei den Hünden bin ich schon gefragt worden was ich machen will. Gibt's besondere Wünsche euerseits? Bret
Diskussionen dazu bitte im E10-thread, hier: Biopflichtbeimischung E10 - Super Plus - A2 Forum Bret
yep a full 75cm was already there. I'll be shooting some video before the track, I'll put it up somewhere so you can see it. We "only" have 60cm.... Bret
Ich meinte... Schalttafel ausbauen (viele Bilder) - A2 Forum Bret
er... go to Field and Trek and get yourself a pair of the Karrimor Winter trousers. They are padded / insulated and good with a pair of Longjohns for what you need. I know because I have a pair and they're rather good, especially for £20 or so. The Snow boots may also be decent - you won't need to walk in *that* much deep snow unless you're following me around, but for that I also have padded / insulated wellingtons. The boots have the advantage of being waterproof up to the ankle or so which is what you want when it decides to thaw again, like it did today. F&T also have decently priced down jackets. Bret
Update: Dogsled, Sunday morning. Numbers, please! (Istvan +1., A2-701 +1, Phoenix, nuttinnew) Sorry We don't have to take all the cars, we can get away with 2, I think. We'll go the quick way up and the prettier way back down. Bret