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Tmc Box


Empfohlene Beiträge

Im RNS-E ist TMC bereits integriert meines Wissens. Im Menü sollte der Punkt zu und abschaltbar sein. Beim Druck auf die Taste Info sollten die Staumeldungen kommen. So ist es jedenfalls im A4.


Gruß Audi TDI

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Ich bin der französichen Sprache nicht wirklich mächtig, aber ich glaube, er braucht keine TMC-Box, sondern ne Anleitung, wie man den CAN-Bus von der alen TMC-Box zum RNS-E bekommt...


Ich weiß zwar, wie es geht, nur leider weiß ich nicht, wie ich es schreiben soll...


@nammster: Do you speak english - then I can explain to you how to get the CAN-Bus from TMC-Box to RNS-E, no problem.






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Yes i speek english if you want to ask me what a want...


I now the RNS-E have tmc info inside and whitout tmcbox i whant to find it to take the can L and H to insert in RNS-E


Before i have a RNS-D whit tuner tv and charger cd


now everything work fine exept some think like the on board computer (FIS)...

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on the TMC-box you have to bridge the CAN-bus because this filters the car's CAN. But the RNS-E needs all messages for communicating with the car.


That means:

look for the TMS-box, pull out the plug and in the plug bridge the CAN-bus by connecting CAN-H with CAN-H and CAN-L with CAN-L. Then pull out the aerial/antenna cable and connect both of those cables directly. You don't need the TMC-Box for RNS-E.


Good luck!!!

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left side???


Well, the TMC-Box is normally located in the right side of the car!

You have to lift up (carefully) the cover on the bottom of the a-pillar, there it is located

in a small plastic-housing, fixed with one screw. Remove the TMC-Box, connect the two Antenna-wires and short-circuit the CAN-leads as described above. Then you have the CAN-signal you need in the old connector of RND-D. From there connect it to RNS-E and everything should work fine.


If you don't know the position yet, sit down on the fron passenger seat and where your right foot hits some black plastics - there it is behind ;-)


Good luck!

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Ok so and left or on rigth lol

here some picture of the ack of my car

you ca see BOSE Tuner TV and Cd Chargeur...and on Left i see anything...

Now some guest come in my house

tomorow i take time to see on rigth side like you says Holgi

If you have a picture of the place of tmc box a take it






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Gast unregistered user
Nein, TMC ist beim kleinen Navi leider nicht möglich.




das stimmt nicht. Das kleine Navi gibt es schon mit TMC ABER nur in Verbindung mit dem Radio Symphony .......



MisterX .......der sich ausnahmsweise mal wieder hier herum treibt .... :D

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