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Mount "1.4 16V AFK-77kw" engine in an A2 benzin


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Hi all, I hope you can help me out. And sorry for the english :rolleyes:


I'm planning to get a used 1.4 16V AFK-77kw engine from a old Lupo or Polo at the junk yard and install it in my A2 which currently have the 1.4 16V AUA-55kw stock engine. And my question is:


Have anyone done this before? and do you think it possible to do without to much work?


And what are the difference between the engines seen from a installing point of view?


Any help are really appriciated ?(


Mako, Sweden

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why not just go straight for the 1.6GTI @ 125PS?


problems: Gearbox, driveshafts, wiring loom....


i don't know anyone that's actually done it - though there are quite a few who would like to...;)


have you asked your mechanic?


the engine should fit, but....what do the spare parts websites say? is it the same part for the clutch for the 55 and 77kw polo? that should give you a good idea.




PS : "jag talar inte svenska" - puhumme suomea - your english is good :)

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Kitos bretti_kivi for the input :D


Q: why not just go straight for the 1.6GTI @ 125PS?


A: I'd like to pass the Swedish emissons and there fore I'd like something moderate to begin with.


Yeah I know that many people wouldn't do the swap, and no one have never called me normal anyway ;) But to tune the stock 75 PS engine to 100 PS I think would cost more then have the engine adapted to the A2.


But the question is which parts that differ from the engine models? I've heard that the gearbox might be a problem since it diffrent from the VW.


But I can't think that they have done it so diffrent since the AUA-55kw model also are present in the Lupo line of engines?


Do someone have a link to a parts catalouge for the engines?


Any input really appriciated :)

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