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Guys i've a chorus II on an audi a2 that read only tapes.

i wanted buy an cd charger but i've seen that if i buy another autoradio (mp3) i'll spend half of price.I can hold the chourus II and the new autoradio? i need an adapter or easly buy an autoradio with aux-in?



Pay attention: Do you have speakers in the rear doors? They are active (with seperate amplifier).

The cables will not fit in any new radio (that´s what I know). But you can make it work.


but i don't see the point?!


why two radios?


the things you need to check / change:

- switched plus and permanent plus are the other way round.

- the loudspeaker cables for the rear loudspeakers end in the space in front of the passenger seat, but getting the new cables there is really easy.

- you'll also need an adapter for the power for the antenna amplifier. this is called "phantom-einspeisung" in German.


should cost you around 50-75 Euros plus the MP3 Radio itself. If you need diagrams, ask; most things should be clear.




if i've understand your coucil is to buy an mp3 reader.

what are switched plus and permanent plus?

and the adapter for the power for the antenna amplifier

what it serves?

if u give me a diagram or a doc is better and also link to mp3 readers.


in the empty space undere the autoradio i can put the mp3 reader?



as brett already said: we don't see the point of a second radio. Why don't you just remove your original concertII and install a mp3-radio where your radio is now.

Everything else is senseless and complicated.


but maybe there is a misunderstanding...


OK, forget it ;heu


I havnt' seen his photo! 8)


But if he takes a roller ..., or if he wash it with 90° and take an iron for drying ..., perhaps it could work (don't try it!) :00:




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