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Audi A2 1.2 Tdi Clutch slave cylinder leaking

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Hi, I found that my clutch slave cylinder was leaking out all of my hydraulic fluid and my gears didn´t work right. So is this repairable? or is it a new slave cylinder needed?

I guess the gasket in it has broke and its leaking out of the orange bleeding hole. 


And has anyone a step to step guide how to remove the clutch slave cylinder?



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Hi Casper,
this is a known issue even with brand new actuators fresh from Audi stock. Apart from old or overaged (new) gaskets often water is a reason for leakage. Water gets into the hydraulic system from the windshield when the drain is blocked.


It is possible to renew the relevant gasket but without experience you will properly damage your actuator, mainly this white plastic cap on the following picture:





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If you buy a "new" one from Audi/VW it is also at least 3 years old. I had several actuators here for changing gaskets in almost new KNZ bought from Audi. Unfortunately the gaskets dried out in the warehouse and become leaky when assembled to the car.

Apart from that, nothing has to be regarded apart from installing, setting the voltage and doing a basic setting.

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Salve, la mia Audi A.2 1.2 spesso mentre sto guidando rimane o in terza marcia o in quarta 

Devo fermarmi spegnere il quadro e ripartire 

mi hanno detto che è l’accumulatore di pressione del cambio che si trova nel vano motore 

avete consigli ?

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vor 25 Minuten schrieb Bianca davide:

Salve, la mia Audi A.2 1.2 spesso mentre sto guidando rimane o in terza marcia o in quarta 

Devo fermarmi spegnere il quadro e ripartire 

mi hanno detto che è l’accumulatore di pressione del cambio che si trova nel vano motore 

avete consigli ?

Google sagt:


Hallo, mein Audi A.2 1.2 bleibt während der Fahrt oft im dritten oder vierten Gang
Ich muss anhalten, die Zündung ausschalten und von vorne beginnen
Mir wurde gesagt, dass es sich um den Getriebedruckspeicher handelt, der sich im Motorraum befindet
hast du irgendeinen Ratschlag?


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You will need a servicetool like VCDS.

A good description for this process is here:


and here



Caution: If it fails, the vehicle will not even start the motor.

Small advice: buy a second (used) controller unit, change the unit and try the basic settings. (note also the previous voltage values) 

If it fails, You can change everything  back and the A2 will behave as previous.



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