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Mein A2

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Leistung von nuttinnew

  1. ....and the other side tonight, so that's about 29k km from them...including summer. Hmm. I do like the light they give though and I guess 15euros a year isn't so bad
  2. http://www.reifentest.com/pkw_winterreifen/winter_tact/wt_81/index.html Has anyone used them? I need to buy winter tyres for three family members and money is a little tight In the UK we tend to end up getting partworn tyres from your good selves but I'm thinking/guessing that the WT81s might not be as good from new as Conti/Michelin etc but that they'll be better than worn tyres. Sorry for English
  3. I now have new roof number 2 fitted by Worthing Audi I had an A1 1.4 tfsi dsg Sport while they fitted it and carried out a service; I'd like the steering wheel, engine and gearbox in my A2 please. Now.
  4. ...aber kein Elch...
  5. What have I missed?
  6. Reminds me to buy another set to replace the one blew earlier (I put the standard one back in.....).
  7. :cool:
  8. A pair of normal tires on the rear could make things more interesting;
  9. I'm pondering this, possibly 6 speed from Lupo also. I think, if there is a weak point of my car it's the AUA. It's ok, it's got me everywhere but, meh, not so much fun. Maybe it would be better to find an A2 FSI and use the bits but the AVY is 15bhp stronger with peak torque at 3000rpm not 4500rpm and fairly easily tuned. So...has anyone done anything like this before or seen any information perhaps? It seems a good reason to sell my G40 and parts
  10. Running my 1.8T on Shell95 I got 8.07 l/100km, on V-Power I got 7.43l/100km. It ran more smoothly and quietly so I've stuck with it in my 1.4. The best consumption I got on the Rinner trip though was using 91 It helps that there is a Shell station .5 km from me and it's cheaper than anywhere else locally I can't remember how V-Power diesel affected consumption in my 130pd Passat but again it was much quieter and smoother on it than normal Shell diesel.
  11. Cool pics I've just had a look through the galerie also It would have been nice to have been there but no way I could make it
  12. Was für ein Unterschied 3 Wochen macht.
  13. Schnee?!
  • Neu erstellen...

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