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How do i get this part out

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Does someone knows how i get this part out?

And are there some pictures how to do it?

This is not my car, mine is mutch cleaner :D


Thank you




Well, you will have to remove the radio. Then, as far as I can remember, there should be two screws that you will have to remove, too.

Then you should actually be able to pull out the ventilation channels including the cupholders.


you MUST disconnect the hazard light switch. It has a "nose" on one side, use a screwdriver.


Correct, radio out, then the 2 posi screws, then it's just "pull". Be careful, the soft finish isn't very robust.




Thanx all, i got it out.

Only the komfortblinker is the wrong one :( so i must wait again.

Another queston, how can i get the Zündkerzen ( i learn german) out? i got this type of engine:

Are they in the middle, where the black blocks are on?

Thanx again :D


Original von Ai2


Are they in the middle, where the black blocks are on?

Thanx again :D

Yes, they are. Right under the Zündspulen ;)

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