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Ich bin auf dem Nürburgring geht im Oktober und frage mich, ob jemand irgendwo empfehlen kann, die OSS in der Nähe Überholung. Es ist nicht gebrochen, aber es tut Ruckeln.

Apologies for the poor language, I blame Google Translate;):o

Thanks :)


You may write in english as well, most people here will probably understand that better than the automated translation ;) As for the OSS - I'll leave that to the experts, my roof is non-transparent :P


Sorry, I should know better from trying to read translations in English:o


Glass roofs are good but I do wonder if they now use a tilt only roof to avoid any complications?


Can anyone recommend anyone near the Nurburgring to overhaul my OSS? If not near, then the nearest or an idea of how far I'd have to travel.

It hasn't broken but it does judder and I think it may be worth having the repair kits fitted so it doesn't break. There isn't anyone in the UK that fits these or re-jigs the glass so I think it would be worth extending my holiday by a couple of days to get it done.



Gruss :)


I'm sure it was on here somewhere but I haven't found it again yet (I'm still looking).

Darmstadt rings a bell as well and that's not a bad journey.

I won't have time for Bad Tolz :(




you can go for Darmstadt if you want to have a complete new OSS. They did mine on goodwill if your full service history at Audi is ok. But as far as I can remember they are not friends of repairing them.



  • 1 Monat später...

Well it broke on Friday night :(


I'm going to try and get the Audi local dealership interested in repairing it, if not I will be booking a trip to Bad Tolz...it's only 1200km from me :eek: Oh well, I've got five days holiday left this year...


On a happier note;


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