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[1.4 TDI AMF] Motor aus gegangen und startet nicht mehr.

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Ich habe ein A2 1.4tdi AMF 5gang von 2002.

Ein morgen diese woche als ich zum arbeit fahren sollten der motor nur stoppt. Dann habt ich nur 80m gefahrt. Ich habt das auto gestoppt so der motor war in leerlauf und dann stoppt der motor. Der motor habt nicht nach diese event gestartet.


Ich habe die fehlercode gelest. Kein code fur motor oder immobilizer.

Ich habe mit beide schlüsseln das zu starten testet. Motor startet nicht

Ich habe die stecker fur nockenwellesensor G40 demontiert. Ich gibt ein fehlcode als ich die stecker demontiert. Motor startet nicht.

Die zahnriemen ist nicht gebrochen. Aber ich weiss nicht ob es ein zahn gesprungen haben.


Ich weiss das mein deutsch schlecht ist aber ich hoffen das sie verstehen.


You can write in englisch. No Problem...


At first I thought there is some problem with the fuel, but after reading what you've already done fuel is not the problem...


Seriously?!? I actually don't have a clue where to begin ...

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Ich habe ein A2 1.4tdi AMF 5gang von 2002.

Ein morgen diese woche als ich zum arbeit fahren sollten der motor nur stoppt. Dann habt ich nur 80m gefahrt. Ich habt das auto gestoppt so der motor war in leerlauf und dann stoppt der motor. Der motor habt nicht nach diese event gestartet.


Ich habe die fehlercode gelest. Kein code fur motor oder immobilizer.

Ich habe mit beide schlüsseln das zu starten testet. Motor startet nicht

Ich habe die stecker fur nockenwellesensor G40 demontiert. Ich gibt ein fehlcode als ich die stecker demontiert. Motor startet nicht.

Die zahnriemen ist nicht gebrochen. Aber ich weiss nicht ob es ein zahn gesprungen haben.


Ich weiss das mein deutsch schlecht ist aber ich hoffen das sie verstehen.



din tyska är faktiskt superb,förmodligen lika min svenska.:D

Det låter ju hemskt med din A2.

Hur många km har du på din bil?

Har du nagosin bytat kamremen ?

Har du lagat nagot ?

Jag kan knappast tro att du hitta ingen fel med VAG COM.

Du är säkert,att du har tillräcklig med diesel i tanken.

Jag kan rekommendera www.nordicaudi.com.

Här finns det A2 Kompetenz på svenska.

Förresten,var bor du ?


so long

Bearbeitet von Wolfgang B.

The car has run 367000km.

I did a timingbelt change 60000km ago. I changed everything waterpump, tensioner, damper, and guide pulley.

Only problem during all these km is that 1 pd element broke this winter, otherwise no problem.

Off course I have had too change other things such as shockabsorbers, brake discs filters and so on.

Yes there are some fault codes in the memory, but that is regarding HVAC.

But when I now checked in the ABS folder I found this error 01314 - 207 KWP1281 engine control module. Sporadic interrogate fault.

I disconnected the MAF and tried to start. That did not work either.

I have now deleted this code, but it won´t start.

The fuel tank is half full.

I have tried nordicaudi.com but I have not got any replys to my problem yet.

I live near Norrköping in Sweden

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hmmm... Wenn die Bremse schwerwiegende Fehler auswirft, startet die Maschine erst garnicht - ich kann aber mit dem Fehlercode nichts anfangen mangels VAG Com.



Ich kenne einen Fall, in dem das Steuergerät so verwirrt war, das die Maschine wegen eines defekten Bremslichts nicht zu starten war.

Bearbeitet von Zurbel
The car has run 367000km.

I did a timingbelt change 60000km ago. I changed everything waterpump, tensioner, damper, and guide pulley.

Only problem during all these km is that 1 pd element broke this winter, otherwise no problem.

Off course I have had too change other things such as shockabsorbers, brake discs filters and so on.

Yes there are some fault codes in the memory, but that is regarding HVAC.

But when I now checked in the ABS folder I found this error 01314 - 207 KWP1281 engine control module. Sporadic interrogate fault.

I disconnected the MAF and tried to start. That did not work either.

I have now deleted this code, but it won´t start.

The fuel tank is half full.

I have tried nordicaudi.com but I have not got any replys to my problem yet.

I live near Norrköping in Sweden


367000 km that´s much,perhaps too much.

You need a kompressiontest.


so long


The brake lights are fully working.


If there are something wrong with the compression. Should´nt the water disappear? Either as white smoke or been pushed out of the expansion tank?

Do you know what comression ratio that it should be in the cylinders of this engine type?

The brake lights are fully working.


If there are something wrong with the compression. Should´nt the water disappear? Either as white smoke or been pushed out of the expansion tank?

Do you know what comression ratio that it should be in the cylinders of this engine type?


When the water is disappearing,white smoke is coming out of the exhaust,or smoke is coming out of the expansion tank is your headgasket broken.

Normaly has this engine between 25 and 31 bar.

At least 19 bar.

Difference max .20 %.

What about the dieselpump in the fueltank? The tandempump by the engine ?

Check it.


so long


I thought that there were no pump in the tank. That it was just a fuel pick up unit with fuel gauge sender.

The little fuel pump on the rear right of the car is for the auxilliary heater.

I thought that the tandem pump on the cam shaft was the only fuel pump for the engine, and of course the pd elements.

Is it possible to disconnect any fuel line and crank the engine to see if there come any fuel? Or will there be to much air in the system?

If not, which fuel line and where should i disconnect?


The 1.4TDI has an electric fuel pump in the tank.

Disconnect the fuelline to the tandempump and check if

fuel flows when you switch the ignition on.








I thought that there were no pump in the tank. That it was just a fuel pick up unit with fuel gauge sender.

The little fuel pump on the rear right of the car is for the auxilliary heater.

I thought that the tandem pump on the cam shaft was the only fuel pump for the engine, and of course the pd elements.

Is it possible to disconnect any fuel line and crank the engine to see if there come any fuel? Or will there be to much air in the system?

If not, which fuel line and where should i disconnect?

I thought that there were no pump in the tank. That it was just a fuel pick up unit with fuel gauge sender.

The little fuel pump on the rear right of the car is for the auxilliary heater.

I thought that the tandem pump on the cam shaft was the only fuel pump for the engine, and of course the pd elements.

Is it possible to disconnect any fuel line and crank the engine to see if there come any fuel? Or will there be to much air in the system?

If not, which fuel line and where should i disconnect?


You can hear the electric fuelpump in the tank,while it´s working.

You have only to switch on the ingnition.


so long

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Diesel only has the vacuum pump (Tandempumpe) on the engine.


Only the petrol cars got an electric pump inside the tank.


Please describe your problems a little bit further... The ABS-unit won't prevent the start of the engine.


The starter is turning the engine?

The engine gets fuel?

No leakage out of the fuel system?

Diesel-Filter is okay?

Bearbeitet von a2-701
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Well that was as I thought. I have not found any fuses or relays for a fuelpump. I have not found anything in ELSA about any fuelpump in the tank.


Yes the starter turns the engine, But it does not fire up.


I don´t know if the engine gets any fuel since I have not disconnected any fuel lines.

I guess that it is the return line of the tandempump that I should disconnect nr 1 in pic 1? Cause if I disconnect the feeding line nr2 in pic1 then the pump should only suck air?


Or can I loosen the plug in pic3? But according to ELSA I need to rev the engine 1500rpm and that is not possible.


There are no leaks.


I don´t know if the filter is clogged or not. I did change that when I did the timingbelt change. Almost 2years and 60000km. ago.

Bearbeitet von a2-701
Hinweis vom Moderator
Sorry, due to the copyright we don't allow pictures out of Elsa, Etka or similar.

Okay. Fine. Maybe the filter is clogged. Check that!

Maybe the ECU is fried, please check the fuse and communication.
Please check the fuses underneath the drivers seat.

Once we revived an ECU by disconectiong it over 24 hours. Maybe you disconnect the bettery for 24 hours.

Best way to check the Tandem Pump is with a clear hose attached to the inlet 2.
Diesel only has the vacuum pump (Tandempumpe) on the engine.


Only the petrol cars got an electric pump inside the tank.


Please describe your problems a little bit further... The ABS-unit won't prevent the start of the engine.


The starter is turning the engine?

The engine gets fuel?

No leakage out of the fuel system?

Diesel-Filter is okay?



nach meinen Unterlagen hat der AMF eine Förderpumpe im Tank.:confused:

Meine tdi-Zeit beim A2 ist jetzt schon einige Jahre her und ich hatte hier nie Probleme,so das ich hier keine direkten Erfahrungswerte habe.

Ich möchte nicht ausschliessen,das es in meinen Unterlagen einen Fehler gibt,trotzdem wuerde mich das ueberraschen.:)


so long



I have an 8Z0044 AMF EWQ. Did you have the same?

When I look in ELSA with this code nr I cannot find anything about an fuelpump inside the tank. Do you find that? Did you have any fuses in the car for this?


Tomorrow I will buy some clear hoses for the tandempump. I will also change fuelfilter and the hoses to the filter.


I have an 8Z0044 AMF EWQ. Did you have the same?

When I look in ELSA with this code nr I cannot find anything about an fuelpump inside the tank. Do you find that? Did you have any fuses in the car for this?


Tomorrow I will buy some clear hoses for the tandempump. I will also change fuelfilter and the hoses to the filter.


I have had a AMF too ,but at no times problems with this engine.

I have a service-/repairbook for this tdi .Here is written there is an electric pump in the fueltank.

We have much tdi - kompetens here.

I´m sure we can clear up this.:)


so long


I am not a competent person concerning Diesel probs, but couldn't it be helpful drawing out and check the diesel-injectors? I think they should have the typical "Diesel-sniff/odor" - or not if the diesel-gas is not injected into the combustion chamber...


(sry. about my English...it's been a long time ago it was necessary to use :o)


This is what I found about how the fuel gets from the tank to the engine in the repairmanual i´ve got.


I´d rather not loosen the injectors. Cause when I did an injector change this winter the thread broke. So now I have an helicoil thread.



This is what I found about how the fuel gets from the tank to the engine in the repairmanual i´ve got.


I´d rather not loosen the injectors. Cause when I did an injector change this winter the thread broke. So now I have an helicoil thread.


It´s only to read your own repairmanual .




Im Kraftstofftank ist eine so genannte Ansaugeinheit eingebaut,welche den Kraftstoff aus dem Tank zu einer so genannten Tandempumpe fördert.


Why do you have a german repairmanuel ?


A broken thread and now an helicoil thread ?:rolleyes:

Probably do you have a cylinder with low kompression.

It´s necessary to check this.


so long


Yes I know the pick up unit (ansaugeinheit) is not actually a pump.

Well I have not found a repairmanual for the A2 in another language than german except for ELSA.


I now know what caused the problem. I change fuel filter and the four hoses connected to the filter. So finally the problem is solved :)

Yes I know the pick up unit (ansaugeinheit) is not actually a pump.

Well I have not found a repairmanual for the A2 in another language than german except for ELSA.


I now know what caused the problem. I change fuel filter and the four hoses connected to the filter. So finally the problem is solved :)


Great !:idee:


so long

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