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Audi A2 1.2TDI startet nicht ?


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Hallo ..



Ich habe einen Audi A2 1,2 TDI aus dem Jahr 2001.

Der andere Tag, ich konnte nicht das Auto starten .. weder mit dem Wählhebel in Stellung P oder N.

Ich habe dieses Problem ein paar Mal vor, aber das Auto wird wieder nach gestartet.

Ich änderte den Bremslichtschalter für Sicherheit willen.


-Aber jetzt ist das Problem wieder da, und jetzt ist es vor einigen Tagen und kann nicht gestartet werden. Der Anlasser dreht nicht.


Ich habe eine vollständige Ladung der Batterie.

Kupplungszug ist 1.89Volt angepasst.


Ich habe festgestellt, dass Klemme 50 Spannung nach unten fehlt, um den Anlasser. Ich weiß nicht warum .. ?

Ich habe ein Tester auf und las einige Fehlercodes.

Wegfahrsperre 01177, Motorsteuergerät keine Kommunikation.


Einige hier haben einige gute Ideen gedruckt werden oder nur wenig Hilfe für meine weitere Fehlersuche?


Und entschuldigt sich überschwänglich für mein schlechtes Deutsch ..

Verwendet haben Google Übersetzer zu helfen, aber hoffe, Sie verstehen mich trotzdem ..


Vielen Dank im Voraus.

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Ich habe ein Tester auf und las einige Fehlercodes.

Wegfahrsperre 01177, Motorsteuergerät keine Kommunikation.


Kannst du einen vollständigen Fehlerbericht hier einstellen?


Und entschuldigt sich überschwänglich für mein schlechtes Deutsch ..

Verwendet haben Google Übersetzer zu helfen, aber hoffe, Sie verstehen mich trotzdem ..


Ich gebe zu, es ist schwierig zu verstehen. Wenn Englisch ohne Google Übersetzer möglich ist, wäre das eventuell besser.

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All right. Thank you for your reply .. Will just write my problem again, just in English.


My Audi will not start. The starter motor does not rotate when I turn the key.

The problem has been shown a few times before during cold periods, but after a while I got started in the car. and therefore has not wondered more about it ..


but now it will not start. not at all.

Neither the gear selector in position P or N.

My brake light works fine.

My battery is six months old and fully charged with a CTEK charger, so no problem here.


I have read out with a diagnostic tester.

Clutch cable is adjusted to 1.89Volt.

There has been an error code. the immobilizer.

01177 - Engine control unit, no communication.


I have measured myself up to 12V plus voltage down to the starter terminal 50 missing.


This is where I stand now.

I have found that it is Relay J226 to send 12V voltage down to the starter.


I think .. hmm .. What is the reason I get error code 01177 during immobilizer ..

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I have read out with a diagnostic tester.

Clutch cable is adjusted to 1.89Volt.


What was the clutch value before adjustment? Did you do a basic setting after adjustment?


There has been an error code. the immobilizer.

01177 - Engine control unit, no communication.


Was this error stored inside the ECU or the instrument cluster? At the moment i don't know if this error is related to the start problem of the engine. Normally anything related to immobilizer would cause the engine to be stopped 1sec after successful start.

I would clear this error from memory and see if it rises up again after another attempt starting the engine.


I have measured myself up to 12V plus voltage down to the starter terminal 50 missing.


This is where I stand now.

I have found that it is Relay J226 to send 12V voltage down to the starter.


Thats consistent to the shown symptom where the starter does not move. For some reason the engine is prevented from starting. A typical reason on 1.2er 3L would e.g. be implausible sensors values for the clutch (slave clinder). Can you check whether the clutch slave cylinder gets pulled after pressing the brake pedal?


PS: Some more facts about the car would be good to know.


- manufacturer year

- kilometer reading

- duration after last basic setting (time/kilometers)

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Audi A2. 1.2TDI from year 2001.

Km. 230.00

mileage after due adjustment of the gearbox 5.000km.

Sorry. Clutch cable has not been adjusted after the car will not start. The value is 1.89Volt.


I got the Errorcode 01177 in dashboard effort (instrument cluster?) and immobilizer.

Error code 01177 can not be deleted under the immobilizer.

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I got the Errorcode 01177 in dashboard effort (instrument cluster?) and immobilizer.

Error code 01177 can not be deleted under the immobilizer.


Yes, with "instrument cluster" i meant "dashboard". What do you mean with "immobilizer"? What address number is shown for this unit? The A2 has immobilizing function integrated within the dashboard (which is shown with number 17 in VCDS=VAG-COM).

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I have not VAG tester at home more .. I borrowed it home for a weekend from where I work. :(


I also had another error code below 25 - imobilizer called 01320 - controller for Climatronic-J255. No communication with the engine control unit.

This error I could easily delete, and I suspect that this error is due to the same problem.

Bearbeitet von StanleyDK
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I have not VAG tester at home more .. I borrowed it home for a weekend from where I work. :(


Was it VCDS/VAG-COM or the original VAG tester? Maybe on the original tester accessing address 17 or 25 will cause connection to the same unit.?


OK, without VAG tester there is a little less, but at least you can do/check:


1.Check if warning light with key symbol (imoblizer) within dashboard turns on AND off after activating ignition with your key.

2.Check if clutch slave cylinder gets pulled after pressing brake pedal (see also description here).

3.Check level of hydraulic fluid (after releasing pressure or waiting 1 day).

4.Check voltage of battery.

5.Open tray with controllers under drivers foot floor and look if there is any wetness.

6.Disconnect battery for some time (at least 15-30 minutes).

Bearbeitet von Phoenix A2
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It was a VAG tester. 50 series.


warning light with key symbol (imoblizer) lights up when I put the ignition on and goes out shortly after again.


level of the hydraulic fluid is approx. 2cm from MAX. up to filling.


voltage of the battery is okay .. There is CTEK on.


There is no water or moisture under your feet on the left side where the ECU is located


Have also tried to remove the battery from a long time and put back on, but no change.


As mentioned earlier, missing 12V ​​voltage down to the starter ..

I found a wiring digram, and found out that there is a relay J226, which should provide 12V to terminal 50 on the starter ..


I just can not find relay J226.

It says that it is located: Footwell, Left. ?

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As mentioned earlier, missing 12V ​​voltage down to the starter ..

I found a wiring digram, and found out that there is a relay J226, which should provide 12V to terminal 50 on the starter ..


The relay J226 is controlled by the gearbox control unit. There are conditions where the gearbox rejects "start approval" of the engine. That's why i asked if the clutch (slave cylinder) gets pulled.


I just can not find relay J226.

It says that it is located: Footwell, Left. ?


The relay is located in the same tray as the ECU:



From the two relays with label "373" it should be the one without marking(left).

Bearbeitet von Phoenix A2
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Many Thanks for your help to Phoenix A2 & DerWeißeA2.


Phoenix A2 made ​​me wiser in many ways. Thx Alot.


But DerWeißeA2, you just came with the right answer.

The ground cable.

It had a bad contact on the frame. I loosened the screw and moved a little to make contact, and then the car started.. :):D

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Now when I just you have.

maybe one of you can help me with a minor problem.

Sometimes the clutch nice and comfortable.

At times, it may well be hard and cash.


Sometimes the car starts to pull quietly after I released the brake pedal and sometimes couples it hard to. as on and off.


There are mounted completely new gearbox for 50.000km ago.

I know nothing about the clutch.

I've even changed the clutch slave cylinder.

Even adjusted clutch cable to 1.89Volt and basic adjusted gearbox.


Any Ideas ? :)

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Many Thanks for your help to Phoenix A2 & DerWeißeA2.


Phoenix A2 made ​​me wiser in many ways. Thx Alot.


But DerWeißeA2, you just came with the right answer.


Just as usual, DerWeißeA2 is responsible for the simple and more often right answers:janeistklar:.


Just to extend our experience, may you answer that question:


Did the clutch slace cylinder respond to pressing the brake pedal with that faulty ground cable connection?

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