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wheels offset difference = 1 mm -could it be a problem?


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(sorry for the bad English, my German is even worst)


Hallo, Bonjour, Hello,


As previously told in another "thema", I've bought four old A3 wheels to mount winter tyres on my A2 FSI Pack.


My A2 alloy wheels are 6x15 with ET (offset) being 37 mm

The old A3 wheels 6x15 too but with an ET of 38 mm


I plan to fit the standard tyre size on it (175/60/R15)


I guess the wheels willl just fit as they did for other persons in this forum but I am wondering if this offset difference, even minor, could stress some parts in the long term since the efforts on the chassis/direction will differ.


"Vielen Dank" in advance

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I am no professionell, but the ET 38 (the tires you want to use) is higher than it schould . I would say this is less problem as the other way (36mm).

This means you have no problem on the outside. But it is 1mm nearer at the inside. But I think you should get a permission for that.

(in Germany you neet a certified TÜV station. Thay test it and give a permission. This does cost money).



Now I see that Bret answered before me. But I will put this in now.

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Thanks Bretti, Thanks Erstens,


From what I understand, you both agree that it should technically be OK even in the long term, right?


Then, regarding the legal aspects, it is like driving at 131 km/h on a highway with a speed limit of 130 km/h.

Yes, it is not legal but this won't harm the engine or put my life and my passengers life in danger.

So, if a 1mm offset difference is safe, I guess I should go for it.

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