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ccu problem


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I believe this plug is for the central locking signals, but it depends if you have power windows in the back I guess. Maybe you have broken cable in one of the doors and there is a short circuit which caused the melting. Which cable specifically has melted? Pin, and cable colour. 

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the problem is that I have a new electrical installation taken down from another Audi A2, but I want to know why the wires melted. in case I put the new one, I don't want the same thing to happen

Bearbeitet von Svkez
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Look at the wires gooing from the main carframe to the doors.


If there are broken cabels and they are melted in the rubber and not behind you've got the problem.


To be 100% sure you need the wire diagrams.


The ource is Audi itself. See here :

After register and paying round about 30 Eur + VAT you can download all repairmanuals and diagrams for 24h


If you've got a friend with another VW Car , download infos for him to and devide the cost


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The wires from the plug number two go to the motors of the central locking of the rear doors. Pin 8 should be safe + of rear left door. Pin 15 V+ and pin 16 safe + of rear right door. The conjunction of the black blue wires could be B135 -  Connection -1- (15a), in interior wiring harness.

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vor 5 Minuten schrieb verexio:

The wires from the plug number two go to the motors of the central locking of the rear doors. Pin 8 should be safe + of rear left door. Pin 15 V+ and pin 16 safe + of rear right door. The conjunction of the black blue wires could be B135 -  Connection -1- (15a), in interior wiring harness.

Point is that none of the given pins 2/8, 2/15 and 2/16 get to a connection as shown in the photo. This three wires are all going straight w/o any branching towards the motors.

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The problem is that I ordered all the electrical part of the car and I want to change it.

But I am afraid that the same will not happen with the new one

Is it possible for the ccu to be broken and have the same problem with the new installation?

I have to change the entire electrical installation because those wires with problems melted other wires in the installation next to them

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