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Stuck in 4th or no gear change possible


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Hallo A2Freunde!


Today, after around 10km, the car would not go into 4th gear. I managed to freewheel to a safe stop - switched off and initially the gears were selectable but still 4th no good. Managed to get to work using just 1,2,3 and 5.


Maybe mechanical selector issue or Steuergeraet?


The basic setting was done in September with no problems and fresh hydraulic fluid.


Vielen Dank!





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Vielen Dank Leute!


Yes I bought the car in Deutschland in 2002. Now it has 241,000 miles / 400,000km and stil very good car - apart from the gear-change design!


I checked the fluid in the car park last night - not real problems there (yes leakage is the most common 1,2 TDI issue for 3L Lupo and A2)


So sadly it must me more mechanical as Mankmil suggests.


Did you have it welded yourself? A big job to replace?


I managed to get home OK without 4th. But will check under the car at the weekend in daylight.







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So took the end cover off and observed the selector fork changes whilst car stationary - doesn't appear to be a loose fork - maybe not broken or intermittent?


I will try a new accumulator ( now over 50 gbp!) and gangstellar rod (20 gbp) - Price will probably go up again with brexit!


I did notice some hydraulic fluid still seems to be leaking somewhere but all levels good.


Then a new basic setting with vagcom.


Here are photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/JUKCHKfdjXW2LDXH6



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Danke schoen Mankmil 


I have not tried driving on 4th since the problem started. Maybe I should drain the oil completely and check the magnetic plug for damage. 


Do you have a repair for clutch actuator 

6N0 142 063 A


I replaced mine in 2012 but maybe this is again at fault. 

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb ecoangeluk:

I have not tried driving on 4th since the problem started.


My idea is to check whether it is possible to shift all gears manually. Turning the wheels or moving the car forwards/backwards will let you know if the gear is inserted or not.

Afterwards you may exclude a broken selector fork.

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Replaced accumulator and selector ball jointed rod, topped up gearbox oil. The car drove perfectly for 10 mins until 4th selected on dual-carriage way at 80km/h. The same issue - 4th in speedo DIS but no drive and no change available except managed to get into N and coasted onto services. So think it must be selector fork.

Bearbeitet von ecoangeluk
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  • 4 Wochen später...



OK I removed teh gearbox and managed to look inside - the 3/4 selctor fork is not broken. But it has some burn marks!


Only tiny amount of metal swarf on magnet.


No bearing damage.


What could cause this? 


Maybe selector fork movement needs adjustment?







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Did you notice/read any fault codes from the gearbox-ECU?


Am 11.12.2018 um 20:05 schrieb ecoangeluk:

So took the end cover off and observed the selector fork changes whilst car stationary - doesn't appear to be a loose fork - maybe not broken or intermittent?

Was it possible to change all gears whilst car stationary (engine turned off)?


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Is that what you found? Then it's clear. The locking pieces "Sperstücke" are not in their correct position.
That's the reason why you couldn't release the 3rd/4th gear anymore. The selector fork is blocked now.

The burn marks are the result of this blocked gear selector.


It has to look like that:



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Okay, you disassembled the input shaft now. After putting back the locking pieces into their position you should be able to move the "collar" into 3 positions (top, middle, bottom). This means 3rd/4th gear and "neutral". 

Are there no problems moving the "collar"?

The burn marks show you that the the "collar" could not be removed form it's position. You just have to finde the reason for that  behavior. Maybe the needle bearing is broken and the change gear tilts.

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Thats exactly what I'm wondering.  I would suggest you to replace the Sperrstücke by new ones. I bought new ones a few weeks ago for 0,50 Euro each.

Please ensure that the "collar" could be switched into the three positions with just a little resistance. It feels like a "click" when it is moved into the next position.

At least you should do this again by pushing/pulling the selector fork after assembling the shaft and the selector fork to the housing.


If everything is fine, you may reassemble the gearbox.

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Yes, looking at the zoomed in photo there is discolouration of the selector inner ring splines that appears to be overheating. The left shoulder (towards 3rd gear) of the selector outer ring is black. So the selection of 4th was OK, but the ring slipped too far towards 4th and when trying to go neutral or 3rd it actuated correctly but was blocked and caused lots of heat?  

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vor 52 Minuten schrieb ecoangeluk:

Yes, looking at the zoomed in photo there is discolouration of the selector inner ring splines that appears to be overheating.

You're right. The parts are made to resist (short time) contacts (tempered), so I think there is no need to replace it - just if you have it ready to hand.

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  • 3 Wochen später...

Does anyone know if the "play" / movement in the clutch lever has any effect on gear selection? IS it something that needs replacement?


See "9" and "13" below.






Picture from parts catalog removed due to copyright reasons.


Part #9: Release shaft

Part #13: Clutch lever


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb ecoangeluk:



Great, the lower one is a KNZ that was modified by me. :HURRA:


vor 2 Stunden schrieb ecoangeluk:

Mankmil do you still have the conversion for the clutch actuator? 



Of course, please send me a PM for going into detail.

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  • 3 Jahre später...

Hello! I have replaced all the components of the hydraulic clutch system over the years (thanks to folk on this forum since 2002!) - not so many miles since 2020 but having replaced the pipes from the pump to the Gangsteller / gear actuator I still have leak. Noticed a change in pump note after taking my mother to see my father in hospital after he had a bad stroke earlier this year. Further investigation showed the green fluid dripping from the KNZ body. Since then I have regularly topped up with hydraulic fluid and checked the 085 calibration & creep point.  It seems Audi no longer supply the clutch actuator 6N0142063A anymore. I have a spare older one which could be rebuilt that was replaced in 2019.


Hallo! Ich habe im Laufe der Jahre alle Komponenten des hydraulischen Kupplungssystems ersetzt (danke an die Leute in diesem Forum seit 2002!) - nicht so viele Kilometer seit 2020, aber nachdem ich die Rohre von der Pumpe zum Gangsteller / Gangsteller ersetzt habe, habe ich immer noch Lecks . Ich bemerkte eine Änderung in der Pumpennotiz, nachdem ich meine Mutter zu meinem Vater ins Krankenhaus gebracht hatte, nachdem er Anfang dieses Jahres einen schweren Schlaganfall hatte. Weitere Untersuchungen zeigten, dass grüne Flüssigkeit aus dem KNZ-Körper tropfte. Seitdem habe ich regelmäßig Hydraulikflüssigkeit nachgefüllt und den 085 Eich- & Kriechpunkt kontrolliert. Es scheint, dass Audi den Kupplungsaktuator 6N0142063A nicht mehr liefert. Ich habe einen älteren Ersatz, der umgebaut werden könnte, der 2019 ersetzt wurde.

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Sorry to hear that with your father. I hope he gets better soon!

The clutch actuator is still available at Audi Tradition. Think it was about 270€

Otherwise theres a dude in Lithuania that sells refurb kits with a new resistor and including all sealings for 70€

Bearbeitet von Lupo_3L
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  • 1 Monat später...
Am 1.10.2022 um 21:44 schrieb Lupo_3L:

Sorry to hear that with your father. I hope he gets better soon!

The clutch actuator is still available at Audi Tradition. Think it was about 270€

Otherwise theres a dude in Lithuania that sells refurb kits with a new resistor and including all sealings for 70€

I have repair kits.
In a warehouse in Germany.

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