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Zentralverriegelung mit Tourettes

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Alst beschreiben habe ich...

Sorry, too difficult (for me) in German:


The central locking in my car has gone crazy (Ohne Funk, nur Schlüssel) when we finally got proper winter here where I live, with temperatures below -15.

The system sounds sometimes like a machine gun when driving, locking/unlockig several times a second. The "Innenraum Beleuchtung" flickers like mad (when on).

After searching this, and the UK forum (and after taking apart the drivers door with no success), I focused on the connectors between doors and body. To my great surprise these connectors are unsealed (the rubber doesn't work as a good seal) and they where all in very bad state.

I won't be able to fix this without soldering the cables and removing the connector, or fitting a better connector. Has anyone done this before and can anyone share some info on it?


This design is not very good where I live, and I doubt it works very well in northern Germany as well.



Any answers much apreciated, Deutsch oder English ist egal.





Apart from the connectors, the unit that does the central locking (the KSG, Komfortsteuergerät) has a design failure that can be fixed by soldering a new version of the microcontroller, some kind of Atmel to it. Ask user "Lau" about that, preferably by sending him a message.



EDIT: sorry, slightly drubk.


There is also known that micro switch at the door lock to get faulty in severe conditions. Is that switch for the tank lid also effected, since it works and gets illuminated only, when the micro switch senses "door open"? Is it also flickering?

Shouldn't it be possible to locate the problem source by rattling on different parts (like door or harness) while the car is standing? (Probably does not apply for the KSG)


I've cleaned and greased all the connectors between body and doors. I didn't remove the battery terminal during the process, and I could hear the KSG making "clicking" sounds, even when all connectors was removed (apart from fuel door and rear trunk lid).

If I close all doors and lock the car, everything is fine.

When I open the door (remember, I don't have a remote), it starts sending signals to all 4 doors making noise. However, the doors doesn't seem to lock/unlock, just making noise.

The fuel door switch stays illuminated at all times, but the interior light goes off (blinks) every time the KSG sends the signal.


The first run with VCDS showed some 13 error codes (I guess because I didn't remove the battery while removing the contacts). After a DTC clean, there are no codes left, but the locks are still playing.


The car is from 2000, and I guess an early model (WAUZZZ8ZZ1N005699).


Cann I fit a KSG from a different car and test it, or does it require coding/adaption?

The A2 is kinda exotic up here, is the identical KSG fitted in any other VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat models?


I'll check up on that microcontroller fault you mentioned tonight.


Cheers from a warm (just -5 tonight) Umea.

  • 2 Wochen später...

Benutzer LAU hat sein "Magic" gemacht und jetzt lauft mein Kugel weiter ohne KSG "Tourettes"! :D

Trotzdem habe ich meine zweifeln gegen die elektrische Kontakte zwischen Tür und Karosserie, aber alle 4 (ohne Heck) sind jetzt gereinigt und eingefettet.

Wird im zukunft 1 mal per Jahr nochmals gemacht (unser Klima ist hart am Autos).

Es gibt bei dieses Forum wirklich richtige "Professors" das kann alles über diese kleine Autos und ich bin ehrlich beeindruckt von viele von sie.


Ein herzlichen Dank von Nordschwedens!



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