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Problems with 1,2 Gearbox


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[02-auto trans] -> [Measuring Blocks - 08] -> type 014, click [Go]


should do the trick.


Nope, you need to use the basic settings, there you type 014 and click go.




also I don't understand this: Loosen the gear actuator nut and tighten it with zero-potential.

I think I thound the nut, but how to I do that zero potential?


Not necessary in your case. Just put the selector lever at that point at D and back to manual.

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Nope, you need to use the basic settings, there you type 014 and click go.






Not necessary in your case. Just put the selector lever at that point at D and back to manual.


I found those basic setting but the damn program said that I need license for this function :(

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i managed to go to basic settings and ran group 014, got the fault 12, then I went under the car tu adjust that zero potence but now I can't run the test again? instead of four boxes in the basic setting screen where I saw WAIT ADJUST etc I see 10 boxes with numbers :kratz:

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Okay, you should here the gear actuator shifting. That's louder than just a click.


This confirmed my suspicion that the valves are not opened properly on the hydraulic unit. So again loosen the plate with the three lines of the hydraulic unit and let them new lock into place. And than start a new basic setting.

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Ah, i understand. I had this issue myself several times and it never was a real problem with the components. That's why i have asked you if you ever removed the key and tried to start again. Sometimes this works. Sometimes you have to remove the key, lock the car, unlock the car and at the moment you open the door, the pump starts.


Sometimes it helps to electricaly unplug/plug the hydraulic unit.

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Remember I told you that the pump doesn't start when I open the door, but it was like that even before the car was driving fine. what activates the pump when I open the door? for example interior light comes on when I open it.

Bearbeitet von Martynas
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I don't know exactly which value should be at the 9th position. But it should vary between your adjusted 1.8-2.0V plus 2V. In your case something between 1.89V and 3.89V. If it doesn't, something is wrong.


Did your check the reverse lights? Look at them during the basic setting. They should light up for a moment at step 6 or so, not really sure at which number. You will hear the typical sound of reverse gear engaging.

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assembled everything back, nothing changed, but the fact is that the clutch is not moving during adaptation, so I think the valve is the fault as I had doubt about it and it was the only thing I removed before it all happened. Is it for sale separately? what is the code for it?

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I don't think you have a real technical problem.


Try to do the basic setting several times. The gear actuator must first be completely vented, otherwise the values for the gearbox control unit are out of limits.

Bearbeitet von DerWeißeA2
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Did you really short-circuited the green wires to the clutch valve? :III:8o:omg:


This would be an explanation, why the valve isn't triggered anymore. It could be possible that the driver transistor in the ecu died (or maybe there is a fuse on the pcb that died).

You'll find the gear box ecu directly below the engine ecu (A2).


Btw: Are we talking about an A2 oder a Lupo?


Could you please check the Measuring Block 003? Field 3 and 4 shows the clutch's actual value and the set value. If they differ, the ecu tries to trigger the clutch valve.

In Block 005 Field 4 you'll find the current running through the valve. It should be 0,03 to 0730A for the closed clutch and 0,800..0,900A for the opened clutch.

Bearbeitet von Mankmil
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Please check the Measuring Blocks first. This should give you an impression, what happend while you shorted the wires.


It shouldn't be a problem to get a spare ecu for the lupo (I've two here if you need one) because they are not as rare as the A2 ones are.


When you're sure that the ecu is broken, you've nothing to loose. Just open it an see if you can fix something. :rolleyes:

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