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Tiptronic gearbox problem


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Hello all !


I bought an audi a2 3l last year and after 8 months it starts do do problems in 2nd and 3rd gear,but i notice that if i ll accelerste over 3000 rpm from 5 attemps 3 times will change in auto and if i change myself need to accelerate over 3000 and then before change the gear i need to release the accelerate pedal to shift succesfull.....if not the engine enter in some protection mode and it will not let me to accelerate anymore even in neutral ! So i payed a guy with wagcom and he said that it has no error but after reading on internet about 3l gearbox i have found that i have some lose joints on the actuator sistem and change them,after this the car was working ok in 3rd but was still making problems on 4th till one day ,when i stoped at atraffic light when was green my audi gearbox died ?.so after this i call again the guy with vag com and found that dont have connection with one of the gearbox lever switches.i have attached some photos related with what i m talking about !


also i have removed the battery and when i have put it back i ve notice that my radio is not working,it has only light and thats it...


Thanks and sorry for english language,i dont know german  :(


p.s. if anybody knows how to remove the center console arround the gearstick please help me ! ?







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The wear in the lever joints looks like the problem. 

Former 3L expert, Sherif Topal once mentioned excessive wear to produce failure mode since the position of the levers is too far away from the learned Position and also the basic setting will not remove this problem because even at the basic setting procedure, the position of the levers cannot be measured correctly. 

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I know but I have chabged and now I dont have that wear and also the new lever has the same position when I have fit it back on the car!


The problems after checking error with vag com are the switchies from gearbox lever and I need some info on how to remove the base of the center console to reach the micro switchies


Thanks !


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vor 1 Stunde schrieb bv16bld:

I know but I have chabged and now I dont have that wear and also the new lever has the same position when I have fit it back on the car!


The problems after checking error with vag com are the switchies from gearbox lever and I need some info on how to remove the base of the center console to reach the micro switchies


Thanks !


I must have overhead the information that you had exchanged the lever arms..


With a faulty F257, a basic setting will of course fail. Without the basic settings, your car will not work problem free. Even when you believe that the new levers have the same position, they don’t! Bad news: Even for money you don’t get the micro switches anymore. They are 3 switches on one set with cables. 

I just had this problem with a friends 3L

Removing the shift assembly is easy to make but a bit difficult to describe. 

At least you will have to remove: handbrake cover, small plate under the ashtray, 2 side panels in the foot area (!!) and some other, self describing parts. Important not to use force when disassembling! 

I tried to buy the micro switches through an electronic parts shop but failed to get the right ones. 

Still there are some disassemblers in this forum which might have a used part. 

Bearbeitet von Lupo_3L
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Errors about F207, F256, F257, F259, G272 are false positives mostly.




Removing center cover

First, remove the side cover. Be aware, the Torx 25 screw is under a oval cover.

Begin with the right side, because you can find the screw easily.

On the left side, the screw is hide by throttle/gas pedal.




Pull the carpet out, and then pull out the side cover on the lower edge.


Then remove the cover behind the gearbox lever. It's only clip in.



Remove the 2 Torx 30 Screws.



Remove the 3 Torx 30 Screws.



Push the side cover in driving direction.



Remove the 2 Torx 30 Screws.


Remove the cover from the handbrake handle.



Therefor pull as far as you can the handbrake handle up. On 6 o'clock you'll find a hole. Put in a small screwdriver, to release the lock. If you don't do so, like most people, the lock will be damaged.



Remove the handbrake cover by pulling it up. Remove then the 2 Torx 30 Screws.



Now you can remove the center console.

The handbrake lever can avoid removing the center console. If you can't pull up further, so release the handbrake, remove the 2 Nuts, and pull the handbrake lever from the screws. Now you should remove the center console.

After you have worked on the gearbox, clutch, Gangsteller, KNZ you have to do a basic setting, especially when you worked on the rod.




To do the basic setting, batterie voltage have to >= 12,4V.

It's a good advice, to switch off the airco, seat, window, mirror heating, radio, lights, ... and to connect a charger to the battery.

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