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Opensky does not slide open when too hot (?)

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(again I apologize for writing in English - I read german but hardly write it properly)


Now that spring/summer is almost here, I noticed that when my A2 stays parked under a hot sun for more than 1 hour, the opensky starts opening but won't slide to the back at all. It gets stuck.


If I then drive about 10 minutes, I guess it gets cooler and can slide perfectly again.


Anyone noticed this odd behavior on his/her own A2?

Any help appreciated,



(A2 FSI Pack - model 6/02 - 32000 kms)




Usually when it's warm outside my open sky system's rear glass used to open with a hard noise. Therefore I got the idea to use "Sonax Gummipflege" (rubber care ?) for OSS's seals. Additionally I put some white fat for greasing OSS in general.


Maybe it works on your OSS too.




Have the same problem with my OSS, and others in this forum reported the same issue with their OSS's. It simply gets bigger when it heats up (as your guessed), and once the tolerances have been used up it gets stuck.


Just don't push it too hard/often if it does not want to open, there is a fairly high risk that the bowdencables snap. You will then have to replace the whole OSS.


yep, i have a similar problem - if just a finger underneath it can help it to go up, and it's not every time, then maybe you should get it looked at, but it's not really serious (something for the next service - some spray / grease may well solve it) If it needs lots of help, then i'd go get it looked at now before something expensive breaks ;)


à plus tard




PS: gummipflege really is "rubber treatment" - "rubber spray" would probably also be okay, as the other translations are even worse ;):D

  • 2 Wochen später...
Original von audi_a2_tdi



Usually when it's warm outside my open sky system's rear glass used to open with a hard noise. Therefore I got the idea to use "Sonax Gummipflege" (rubber care ?) for OSS's seals. Additionally I put some white fat for greasing OSS in general.


Maybe it works on your OSS too.




Well, it looks like your tip really made my day. I applied (a lot of) a similar rubber care spray a week ago. I'll double check it under a reaaaly hot sun but the last few days, I had no problem at all with my open sky.

Many many thanks.

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