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[1.2 TDI ANY] Basic Settings can be made only at voltage below 1.5V


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Hello, I will write in english because I'm from Poland.


I have a strange problem with my Audi A2 1.2 TDI ANY engine. 

In short description, Basic Settings can be made only when hydraulic clutch actuator is set at voltage below 1.5V... when I try to set 1.6-1.9V I got a RTFM 12 error... 

Clutch actuator was replaced three times, two times with refubrished and third time with brand new.... And this effect is the same on all three actuators... so I belive that the problem is not with actuator and actuator potentiometer...


In addition I have the feeling that clutch is very sharp, creep point is to hard, so when I left the brake car want to start a liitle bit too hard... gear changes also are harsh... What I noticed that creep point and slip point in group 25 are really high, so at voltage 1.5V I have creep point about 75% and slip point at 85% .... So probably I cant do a Basic settings at 1.9V because then those points will be 99% :) 


I remember One time I was able to do a basic settings at 1.9V only when the engine was hot but after this the car behave very strange, computer was changing the gear at very high revs and after each gearchange the car was doing a jerks.... 


No errors in engine ECU and Gearbox computer.... 


Probably everything was started after clutch replacement... I dont know details because clutch was changed by previous owner... I contacted him and he said that harshness started after clutch replacement and the mechanic that replaced it told that the adaptation was done on lower values... becase 1.9 ended with error...

Previous owner told that LUK clutch was installed with new guide sleve.


Im running out of ideas why  its happening and why the percetages are shifted up.... From my thinking 85% slip point should be obtained at 1.9V...

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There are 2 possible failures:

1st: The release lever is twisted due to a broken guide sleeve.

2nd: The release bearing is mounted in the wrong way or it even is the wrong spare part (some LUK replacement kits came with the wrong bearing).

But generally the RTFM12 is an Error that is caused by the Gear-Actuator. Problems with the clutch actuator will stop the basic setting in the "SEARCHING" step.

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  • Nagah änderte den Titel in [1.2 TDI ANY] Basic Settings can be made only at voltage below 1.5V

I'm betting On The 2nd option... IT Just behave like the something in the clutch does not have proper dimensions.  

Guide sleeve is fine. I checked IT with endoscope camera. 


Below 1.5 v Its always passing SO if the gear selector was defective IT should not be sensitive to clutch voltage ? And ... gear selector is brand new form audi dealer...


Searching is passing fine but when I compare IT to the instruction movies that i found in the forum IT looks like my searching is very fast. It start from 3.5v and finish after droping only a few 0.x volts to values around 3.3 3.2v...

In the instruction movie when someone started calibrstion from 1.67v searching process was alot longer and voltage dropped past 3.0v during searching ..... and slip point establishment at 55 percent.... i Got 80% percent at 1.4v !!! 

It looks like my clutch is enganing too early ... 


Question is if this Can affect shifting and Downshifting quality.... voltage stability and difference from closed to open clutch is ok - 2volts. So IT this matter that voltage is shifted down? The car behave very harsh .. ITs pissing me off when Im breaking before full stop in Eco Mode the car get a lot of vibrstions on the body when rpms drop to around 1000 before each downshift .. it feel like breaking fights with engine torque during downsifhting On Eco Mode when breaking ....

Albo sometimes On Faster gearchsnges i feel like the gear actuator disengage gear when clutch is not fully released.... 

Can those two observations be caused by wrong release bearing and shifted voltage On clutch actuator to lower values ? Or only values difference taht need to be 2v is crucial ?? 

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