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3l Probleme - Gangsteller hatte Spiel und jetzt?!

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As we over at the swedish A2/lupo -3l forums can't find a solution I'm posting the problem here as well hoping that our fellow neighbours can help!


Exchanged parts:

Clutch (release bearing, sliding sleeve, clutch)

The shift fork for third gear


Problems before repairing - Third gear could not be selected

Current problem - RTFM (units 12) during basic settings


During the procedure a big play was located in the upper arm of the gangsteller (about 3-4mm) and the "wishbone" also had a huge play. This was probably the cause of the faulty shift fork. These problems were eliminated (wishbone exchanged and the upper arm tightened).


When all was put back together the gearbox worked (shifting gears in triptronic) this was before the first basic settings was carried out. After doing ~30 basic settings with the adjustment nut in all various positions it still gives an RTFM! (units 12).


Note: All gears work fine when you push them in manually! During the basic settings it looks as if all the gears are selected. Even tried with another pumping unit, no change. When the gearbox was taken apart a thick layer (5-6mm) of steel chips was found on the magnet. The two hoses on the gangsteller does not have any play, and no leaks can be found externally.


Best regards

/luzt (admin @ http://www.lupo3lclub.se)


PS: Admin might want to change the title to a more suting one in german.

Bearbeitet von luzt

hmm, I think I can think of one.


I like you call it "gangsteller" :)


So you've tried with another pump / accumulator and it hasn't helped, correct?


What were the symptoms in the first place?


- Bret


(Title changed, too :jaa: )

hmm, I think I can think of one.


I like you call it "gangsteller" :)


So you've tried with another pump / accumulator and it hasn't helped, correct?


What were the symptoms in the first place?


- Bret


(Title changed, too :jaa: )


I've been browsing these forums so much that it comes naturally ;)


Another pump / accumulator - Correct


The symptoms:

The third gear could not be selected.


When I took the gearbox apart the shift fork was snapped of, so no strange things there. Accoarding to the current owner no basic settings had probably been done in the last 50 000 - 100 000km.


I know of a report from Sherif Topal, a known 3L expert, who claims that too much wear out of the shifting levers, causes an abort of the basic settings procedure. The reason is that the electronics need exatly the sam lever positions during the procedure. If the difference is too big, it will show "rtfm".

How many kilometers did your A2 run?

Maybe you should look out for a good used Gangsteller.

I know of a report from Sherif Topal, a known 3L expert, who claims that too much wear out of the shifting levers, causes an abort of the basic settings procedure. The reason is that the electronics need exatly the sam lever positions during the procedure. If the difference is too big, it will show "rtfm".

How many kilometers did your A2 run?

Maybe you should look out for a good used Gangsteller.


I know there is a way to meassure the values of the gangsteller, will have to look for that.


This little beauty has done 26 8600km, but accoarding to the current owner no basic settings has ben performed for the last 50000-100000km. So internal and external tear of the robot can absolutley be a factor!


I'll shift the gangsteller from my car to the problematic one to see if it makes any difference.

  • 6 Monate später...



The customer had installed his new stereo all by him self, this resulting in a short to ground causing the basic settings to result in RTFM.


So after removing the stereo and a bunch of faulty connections here and there, the car went through the adaption without any problems at all. So keep in mind that faulty electronics can cause major hazzle!

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