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1.2tdi Bilstein B4 suspension hilfe bitte


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Guten Tag! Please excuse me writing in English (my German is very limited, - Iam trying to improve it).I would very much appreciate if someone could telll me the correct suspension components to order from Bilstein. I own a 2004 1.2tdi 3L I bought earlier this year in Germany, it currently has the standard factory suspension.I would like to know what part numbers I need for the complete suspension change, (hopefully to the B4 type) 4 dampers, 4 new springs, and any other parts that I need from Bilstein to make it work? (I can't find the front suspension in their website). Also, I was also thinking what other Audi parts I need, any rubber components or things recommended to replace at the same time to make a good job of it all? - I will be keeping the car for hopefully a long time. Sehr grober dank :) David.

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There is a working solution for Bilstein B4 Suspension on 1.2. In short for the front suspension: B4 for Polo 6N2 (Bilstein-Part: VNE 4476) in combination with Golf 1 springs (VAG-Part: 171 411 105 G 952), all other parts may be replaced with original parts.

Have a look into this thread as well:


Alternativfahrwerk für den 1.2


All other like B4 or FSB are not allowed here. :erstlesen:


In germany it would require a separate audit (TÜV), but it's not generally forbidden. Don't know how strict the rules in UK are.

Bearbeitet von Phoenix A2
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:) Danke, vielen dank fur die antworten. For the rear springs, should I choose bilstein springs, or the original audi springs? I just want the car to ride at the correct height and work as well as possible with the new B4 dampers. My car is a lightweight 3L, no airconditioning.(but it does have a radio). Danke
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:) For the rear springs, should I choose bilstein springs, or the original audi springs? I just want the car to ride at the correct height and work as well as possible with the new B4 dampers.


I would just keep the old springs on the rear (if not broken). If in future one of the rear springs needs to be replaced anyway (Spidan springs are a good choice in that case), it is not so much work.

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