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A2 1.2 Tdi / Lupo 3l Damper Upgrade/KONI fsd

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A2 1.2 Tdi / Lupo 3l Damper Upgrade/fsd

Trying to get KONI NL to consider an exchange program to replace worn shocks on both Audi A2 1.2 TDI and Lupo/Arosa 3L.


If you are interested please sign up below. Also let other owners know about the idea. Hopefully cost will be similar to Normal A2 FSDs.


More info on why normal FSDs won't work:








A2 1,2 Tdi / Lupo 3l Dämpfer Upgrade / KONI fsd


Hofentlich KONI NL zu prüfen, ein Austausch-Programm zu ersetzen getragen Schocks auf beiden Audi A2 1,2 TDI und Lupo / Arosa 3L.


Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, melden Sie sich bitte bis unten. Auch wir wissen, anderen Eigentümern über die Idee.

Hoffentlich Kosten werden ähnlich Normal A2 FSDs.


Mehr Infos darüber, warum normale FSDs wird nicht funktionieren:




Hi Lukas!


As already pointed out a few weeks ago (Britisch forum), custom made aftermarket dampers are necessary for the 1.2 A2 Eco and Lupo Eco.


If Koni NL head-quarters do agree to exchange your “normal (non 1.2)“ FSDs with a set of custom made ones, I do hope they’ll offer a small batch of let’s say 20 to 30 sets for all interested 1.2 owners worldwide. That should fairly reduce the price tag.


As for the shocks of the regular A2 FSD kit # 2100-4041, also the rear dampers must be modified for the 1.2 to operate within the correct stroke regime. Otherwise that special frequency induced rebound force adjustment might be affected negatively. KONI NL has to incorporate that the 1.2 A2 is stock lowered by about 20 mm vs the regular A2 fleet.


Lowering does affect body motion frequency...




P.S. Because the average 1.2 A2 owner does keep his car over a (very) long period of time, I strongly encourage all comfort loving 1.2 cruisers to get this FSD upgrade.


Also 1,2 TDI-Besitzer - Haben Sie Interesse an TuV genehmigt Dämpfer aus



Die Idee wäre, excahnge Einheiten Kosten niedriger zu halten.


Bitte geben Sie ein Feedback.


Vielen Dank


PS: Audi Driver Zeitung (Englisch) Mar 2008 - A2 1.2TDI

  • 2 Monate später...

Definetily interested. If Koni would offer them for <1000 Euro I would place a binding pre-order any time.


Bin auf jeden Fall interessiert, wenn Koni sie für <1000 Euro anbieten kann, würde ich jederzeit eine bindende Vorbestellung aufgeben.

  • 8 Monate später...
  • 2 Monate später...
  • 8 Jahre später...

The attachment to the wheel bearing housing is different.


And also the coil springs of the normal A2 shock absorbers are longer and thus heavier than the coil springs for the A2 3L shock absorber. And the shock absorbers of the A2 3L are lighter, because made of aluminum.


Thank you for your quick reply :)


Ok, do you have any photos of the attachment design please?


I realise that the damping rate may be higher than the 3L is used to but I would prefer this. 


Of course... the 3L original shock absorbers are nice and light :D But they are also not strong enough for me ;)



12 minutes ago, DerWeißeA2 said:

These photos show quite well the difference in the attachment:


A2 3L (with Bilstein B4)



normal A2





Ok great thank you, that shows me the main difference.


The A2 3L looks just like the Lupo 3L. Is it possible that they use the same shock absorber?



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