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Eco button on 1,2 Tdi


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momento, por favor!


you mean the 10km/h and the doors lock automatically?


yes, it is possible. let me go find the thread....


this one (sorry, it's in German)


gibt es die funktion: automatisches abschließen des auto sobald z.b. man ca 15 km/h fährt?



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The A2 3L has the same Ecomatic powertrain like the Lupo 3L. You can turn off the ECO-Mode by trigger the button or using the Tiptronic-Mode.


In this thread we have discussed about a possibility not to start the car in the ECO-Mode and there is no (like the Lupo).

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In this thread we have discussed about a possibility not to start the car in the ECO-Mode and there is no (like the Lupo).

Could this be different depending on the country? If I turned off the eco mode before turning off the engine and I would start the engine again it would be in the 61 HP mode and not in eco mode.

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Original von Elementis
In this thread we have discussed about a possibility not to start the car in the ECO-Mode and there is no (like the Lupo).

Could this be different depending on the country? If I turned off the eco mode before turning off the engine and I would start the engine again it would be in the 61 HP mode and not in eco mode.

You can't change it! It has to be so! It's a feature;)

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I am Owner of an Lupo 3L (Model 99) AND of a A2 3L.


They are somewhat different: If you push the ECO-Button of the Lupo OFF and restart the engine after that, you will still rest in the "ECO-OFF" mode!


With the A2 3L , it is different: You' ll start ever and ever again in ECO-ON .


But - why the hell is it too difficult for you just to push the ECO-Button OFF when starting the engine? Are you not able to move your finger just one time per drive towards the button ? Do find this really too exausting??? or are you just kidding with us ??? ;):D

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They are somewhat different: If you push the ECO-Button of the Lupo OFF and restart the engine after that, you will still rest in the "ECO-OFF" mode!

I've asked around at the 3L club and it seems that it depends on the building year. Earlier models have the old software which allows you to turn off the eco mode like you describe above. The later models are like the A2.


But - why the hell is it too difficult for you just to push the ECO-Button OFF when starting the engine? Are you not able to move your finger just one time per drive towards the button ? Do find this really too exausting??? or are you just kidding with us ??? ;):D


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