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1.2 TDI: Probleme nach Kupplungswechsel (From Italia adolfo)

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Hallo an alle aus Italien, ich habe die Kupplungsscheibe gewechselt und kann das Auto nicht mehr bedienen. Wissen Sie, welcher Computer zum Zurücksetzen der neuen Kupplung benötigt wird? dank


hi, ich kann die kupplungsadaption mit dem computer nicht sowohl vcds als auch bosch machen. Manchmal kommt es zu einem Zündschlüsselfehler und manchmal sagt man, dass sich der Motor in Gang setzt, aber der Motor startet nicht. Weiß jemand warum? dank

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)



Are you referring to the "StartMot" signal? As I understand the instruction, this means that you should start the engine, not that it's supposed to start automatically.

But I am not a 1.2 expert. 

Bearbeitet von Georgie

 news of the facts: 

this A2 3l did not start with the gearbox in position P

- the car started only with the gearbox in position N

I replaced the clutch because worn out at an Italian auto repair shop

-and we used a Bosch computer to adapt to the new clutch

- but to the request to start the car by the adaptation procedure the car has not started

- the battery was around 11.4 volts

-  we are no longer able to enter the adaptation procedure with any computer

- we also used vcds but we can not get into the procedure

please there is someone who can help us?

In Italy there are very few A2 3l and nobody can repair


Please help me.


Your faithfully Adolfo Drago



  • Phoenix A2 änderte den Titel in 1.2 TDI: Probleme nach Kupplungswechsel (From Italia adolfo)

Some questions before:

-> Did you assemble the right (!) clutch for this car? It looks like a normal 200mm VW clutch, but the 3L one is thicker and cannot be replaced by a 'normal' one without "modifications".

-> Can you enter the Gearbox Control Unit by Software or are you completely locked out? Maybe you should try to disconnect the battery for some minutes to force a reset of all control units.

-> How old is your KNZ (clutch actuator)? Have you tried a spare part?


General statement: The KNZ and the guide sleeve are worn out almost at the same time. When your car avoids to start in P even with a new clutch (the correct one), your KNZ seems to be faulty. Easiest way to check this, would be trying a different KNZ.

Am 15.12.2018 um 16:51 schrieb drago.a:

- the battery was around 11.4 volts


--> Charge it first. Experiance has shown, that it doesn't work properly, when voltage is too low. If the batterie is OK, but voltage for the Gearbox Control Unit or ECU is to low, check the electric system first.

vor 4 Stunden schrieb DerWeißeA2:



I don't want to be the killjoy, but I was able to run successful Basic Settings with a battery that was so down that at "Start. Mot." the engine could not be started.

But it is recommended to run the basic setting with a battery in good condition an a voltage >12V

vor 21 Stunden schrieb Lupo_3L:

@drago.a De dove sei?


Dank an alle ist es mir gelungen, die automatische Übermittlung zum Laufen zu bringen. The problem is around knz,  we read 4.54V.  Is something of the forum come in holiday in Italy there is a Mojito's for you. Write me at adolfo@drago.com 

Buon Natale  

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